TFR opened a criminal case on the fact of negligence when extinguishing a fire in the Kemerovo TTS

TFR opened a criminal case on the fact of negligence when extinguishing a fire in the Kemerovo TTS The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case of negligence against the captain of the guard of firefighting and rescue unit № 2 by Sergei Genin in the case of the fire in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in Kemerovo, reported TFR spokesman Svetlana Petrenko. A fire in a shopping centre in Kemerovo32фотографии32фотографии32фотографии According to investigators, Genin, as commander of gas and smoke protective service, together with his subordinates, entered the burning building of the shopping center through the West entrance. One of the witnesses told him about staying on the fourth floor in cinema room number 2 large number of people and pointed at a stairway located at the West entrance, as the shortest path. It is noted that the Genin ignored this information and did not compare it with

Six people were killed in a helicopter crash in Khabarovsk

Six people were killed in a helicopter crash in Khabarovsk MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Six people, according to preliminary data, were killed in the helicopter crash in Khabarovsk. About TASS reported in the emergency services. “On Board were six people. They all died,” — said the source. According to him, when it hit the ground, the helicopter caught fire. “Now is the fire,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The area is cordoned off. However, the Main Department of EMERCOM in the Khabarovsk region TASS reported that in the streets of the Antenna — Surgical in a vacant lot made a hard landing helicopter Mi-8 one of the airlines of Khabarovsk Krai. “According to preliminary information, onboard there were six persons. Buildings and structures not suffered”, — have informed in GU the Ministry of emergency situations. In airline “the East”, which, according to preliminary data, belonged to the helicopter, are unable

Hackers have released a new virus through Word files

Hackers have released a new virus through Word files Experts of the company Menlo Security has fixed the wave of cyber attacks on financial and IT organizations in the United States and the middle East. The attack is a new multistage method using a vulnerability in Microsoft Word. The malicious documents are sent by email to employees of large corporations in phishing emails, reports TreatPost. It is noted that the special HTML tags with infected items are contained in files in the. docx format. In contact with the device they are downloading malicious software FormBook, which is able to transmit under the control of attackers a large part of the functionality of the computer. Earlier it was reported that Google’s Chrome browser caught in the hidden file scan.

The captain of the “Nord” after his release from jail wearing an electronic bracelet

The captain of the “Nord” after his release from jail wearing an electronic bracelet SIMFEROPOL, April 10 — RIA Novosti. The captain arrested by Ukrainian border guards Crimean fishing vessel “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko, after the liberation of Kherson from jail wearing an electronic bracelet, said a representative of the shipowner and the Kerch named after 1 May Anna shevelyova. Kherson city court on Friday arrested the captain for two months with the right to pay a Deposit of 35 thousand hryvnia. He was charged with “violating the procedure of entry in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it with the purpose of causing harm to the interests of the state” and faces up to 5 years imprisonment. The lawyers made bail. Ukrainian border guards detained on March 25 the ship “Nord” under the flag of Russia in the Azov sea with the ten crew members. All of

USA: how to get time for a murder you did not commit

USA: how to get time for a murder you did not commit Against the U.S. policeman shot dead an armed robber, not to press any charges. Instead, the court recognized the killer of a teenager, which nobody was shot. How this was possible? Against the U.S. policeman shot dead an armed robber, was not Vidnoe any charges. Instead, the court recognized the killer of a teenager, which nobody was shot. How this was possible? In many States there are so-called “laws on the liability of accomplices”. .@DougJones with whatever influence you have, you REALLY need to address the accomplice laws in your state, and bring proper justice for #LakeithSmith. — Eric Barry (@EricBarry) 7 APR 2018 Lakit Smith was arrested in 2015 Lakitu Smith was 15 when he and four of his older friends had engaged in looting. In one not too happy for them the day they broke

In Thailand against Fish and Leslie filed charges of pimping in a group

In Thailand against Fish and Leslie filed charges of pimping in a group BANGKOK, April 10 — RIA Novosti. The police of Pattaya city requested and received in the court of the resort town of the decision to arrest all members of the group Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) and Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish), arrested in February for illegal “sex-training”, on suspicion of organizing prostitution in the criminal group, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday the Thai attorney Natthaphon Sika. “The accusation, made according to a police statement reads: “the provision of services to the satisfaction of sexual desire with the help of third parties involved in the provision of those services with their consent, in a criminal group”. What we are talking about a criminal group, much aggravates the guilt of suspects, if it is proved”, — said the Agency lawyer. “Detention is not an arrest, and the defendants in this

Dozens of dead geese fell on an American city

Dozens of dead geese fell on an American city In the us city of Idaho falls, Idaho, the sky has fallen more than 50 dead geese. It is reported by Fox 13. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, April 7, during a severe thunderstorm with hail. All birds were found within a radius of several hundred meters. The representative of the Department of hunting and fishery resources of the state of Rabbi Jacob (Jacob Berl) said that Sunday was removed 48 white goose and three Ross’s goose. Several dead birds remained on the roofs of neighboring houses till Monday. During the download an error has occurred. Berl believes that a flock of geese heading to Canada. The cause of their death was supposedly a lightning strike. According to Berl, if they were hit by hail, birds would be planned on the ground and landed in different places. White geese nesting

The testimony of two key defendants in the “cocaine case” coincided

The testimony of two key defendants in the “cocaine case” coincided MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Testimony of a former caretaker of the Embassy of Russia in Argentina Abanova Ali in detention in Russia, and Andrei Kovalchuk, who was arrested in Germany, are the same — both defendants claim that was taken to Russia not coke, wine, coffee and jewelry. This follows from the case materials, heard on Tuesday in the Tver court of Moscow, and statements of counsel Kovalchuk Vladimir Zherebenkov. “Abanow claims that he called Kovalchuk, asking him to refer to Russia, a case of wine. This operation was repeated several times. Abanov did not know that the cargo is cocaine, he thought there expensive wine and semi-precious stones” — read the case materials, judge Olga Solopova. From case papers follows that in the first interrogation of Abanov partially admitted guilt, but later retracted his words, as he was

On a place of wreck of An-148 found 13 fragments, the source said

On a place of wreck of An-148 found 13 fragments, the source said MOSCOW, 10 APR — RIA Novosti. Thirteen fragments of the plane An-148, crashed in February, was found by rescuers after the resumption of the examination of the scene of the crash in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region, told RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. Earlier in one of the Telegram channels has a message with a link to one of the relatives of those killed in the crash, which said that at the crash site are still fragments of the aircraft, personal belongings and the remains of the dead. This statement was widely covered by mass media. According to SK of Russia, the investigators after the snow together with the emergencies Ministry has resumed examination of the scene of the crash. “Experts have already discovered 13 fragments of the aircraft,

FSB said the six prevented the beginning of the year the terrorist attacks in Russia

FSB said the six prevented the beginning of the year the terrorist attacks in Russia This was at a meeting of the NAC was announced by the head of Department Alexander Bortnikov. The Director of FSB of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the National terrorist Committee (NAK) Alexander Bortnikov said that the security services since the beginning of 2018 prevented at the preparation stage six attacks, including at polling stations during elections of the President of Russia on March 18. “In the first quarter of 2018 stopped three crimes of a terrorist orientation: in the Republic of Dagestan, the Khabarovsk territory and the Sakhalin region. At the stage of preparation prevented 6 attacks. Suppressed the activity of 12 clandestine terrorist cells. Since the beginning of the year detained and neutralized 189 15 bandits and their accomplices”, — said Bortnikov at the meeting of the NAC. This was reported