According to the London account

According to the London account As it became known “Kommersant”, despite the serious disagreements between Russia and Britain, the law enforcement bodies which ceased to cooperate with each other, London’s High court continues to hear cases related to the Russian Federation. He ruled in favor of the Bank of Moscow (member of VTB group), by submitting a claim for fraud to the former head of the group of companies JFC Vladimir Kekhman, later head of the Mikhailovsky theatre and Novosibirsk theatre of Opera and ballet. The court considered that Mr Kekhman has received two major Bank credit only with the falsification of documents and fraud, decided to collect from more than $140 million. His decision, the honourable judge Brian office of the Commercial court of Queen’s bench of the High court of justice of England and Wales handed down April 12. Claims of the credit institution, member of the VTB

Victims of road accident in the Vologda region were 13 people

Victims of road accident in the Vologda region were 13 people Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — the Number of victims of the accident involving a minibus and a truck in the Vologda region has risen to 13, said “Interfax” on Friday evening, informed source. “According to preliminary data, died 13 people,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Interfax does not have official confirmation of this information. Earlier, the interior Ministry confirmed the death of seven people in a car accident. Is checked. According to a source “Interfax”, the accident occurred under the Cherepovets. “According to preliminary data, the drivers of the truck and a minibus on the highway in the Vologda region under the Cherepovets are unable to safely pass one another and collided,” — said the Agency interlocutor. At the scene of a terrible accident on the highway Vologda – St. Petersburg. 110 kilometer facing the truck with the van.

Seven people were killed in a road accident with a minibus in the Vologda region

Seven people were killed in a road accident with a minibus in the Vologda region Among the dead is a child. MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. Seven people, including a child, died in a road accident involving a minibus in the Vologda region, two others were injured. About TASS reported in the emergency services. “As a result of collision of minibus and truck, according to preliminary data, seven people were killed. Among them a child. Two of the victims are hospitalitynet,” said the source. The accident occurred near the village of Tsarevo in the Cherepovets area. “A truck and a minibus collided on the Federal highway A-114 Vologda — Nizhny Ladoga” — said in the emergency services. On-site work the traffic police and the emergencies Ministry. Causes of accident are established. Reported accident on the 110 kilometre of the Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in the North-Western Federal district Alexander Beglov.

Arrested the detainee with a weapon co-Chairman “Other Russia”

Arrested the detainee with a weapon co-Chairman “Other Russia” Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU co — chair of the unregistered party “the Other Russia” Alexander Averin, a detainee in the Rostov region, crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border, according to the decision of the court will be detained, have informed “Interfax” the press service of the Matveevo-Kurgan district court on Friday. “Averin remanded in custody for two months — until June 12. The decree has not yet entered into force. He and his lawyer can appeal the decision”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier it was reported that the co-chair of the unregistered party “the Other Russia” Averin was arrested on April 7 at the checkpoint Matveev Kurgan in the Rostov region, crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border, he found a Makarov pistol. Averin was charged under article 222 (illegal storage, transportation or carrying of weapons) and article 226.1 of the criminal code (smuggling of

“Beautiful Russian legend of the “Freshman” you can forget”

“Beautiful Russian legend of the “Freshman” you can forget” Chemist Leonid rink — on the findings of the OPCW about the poisoning in Salisbury. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The creators of stuff “Novice” differences in estimates of the report of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. On the eve of the OPCW has published the results of the investigation of the incident in Salisbury. The inspectors said that former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter was poisoned by a “incredibly clean” toxic substance without impurities. The name “Newcomer” in the open part of the document does not appear. Vil Mirzayanov, who calls himself one of the founders of this class of substances, in an interview with “Kommersant FM” has previously stated that in the course of a crime you have violated the conditions of application of this poison. However, another participant development — doctor of chemical Sciences and an expert

Sky News reported the five-year surveillance of Kripalani from Russia

Sky News reported the five-year surveillance of Kripalani from Russia Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU. Russian security services monitored the family Skrobala for five years, reports Sky News with reference to the Advisor to the UK government on issues of national security Mark Sedwill. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий It is reported that the IT experts from GRU to track the email address of Julia Skripal 2013. In addition, according to Sedwill, Russia was engaged in research on the effects of nerve agents when they are applied to the door handles. The program on training of specialists, according to a report in Russia opened in 2000-ies. On the channel’s website notes that Sedwill said on surveillance Kripalani in a letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. March 4, Sergey and Yulia Skrypali was hospitalized in British Salisbury in critical condition after interaction with an unknown substance.

A special colony. Where and how to sit the speaker?

A special colony. Where and how to sit the speaker? The sentence to the former Minister entered into force. As told Business FM eve Markachev, the case speaker may be the reason for the emergence in Russia of a special zone for “people of high rank”. When convicted will go to prison and if he has any chance of parole. Alexei Ulyukayev can send to serve sentence in a colony in the Central part of Russia. This was stated by human rights defender Maria kannabikh. The Moscow city court on 12 April confirmed the conviction of a former Minister in part eight years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 130 million rubles. Where it will sit former head of the Ministry is a serious question. There were no precedents. Some experts do not rule out the emergence of a special area for officials of the highest rank.

“In wet conditions to apply this substance could only be an idiot”

“In wet conditions to apply this substance could only be an idiot” Vil Mirzayanov — the conclusions of the Commission of the OPCW in the case of poisoning in Salisbury. Experts from the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons confirmed the findings of Britain about the nature of the poison in the “case Skrypalia”. At the same time, in the open part of the OPCW report does not mention specific names of substances, talked about Prime Minister Theresa may — “Beginner”. But the document refers to the high purity of the substance. The chemist Vil Mirzayanov, who calls himself one of the founders of the “Newbie” in an interview with “Kommersant FM” draws attention that this substance has several properties that make its use in the British climate are meaningless. — Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons released a report, she agreed with the findings of the British

The court arrested a firefighter accused of negligence in extinguishing TC “Winter cherry”

The court arrested a firefighter accused of negligence in extinguishing TC “Winter cherry” Sergei Genin remanded in custody for two months. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово11 of apresski opened a criminal case on the fact of negligence when extinguishing a fire in the Kemerovo TTS9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий KEMEROVO, April 13. /TASS/. The Central district court of Kemerovo on Friday arrested two months the chief of the guard of firefighting and rescue unit № 2 by Sergei Genin, accused of negligence in extinguishing a fire in a shopping centre, “Winter cherry”, which killed 64 people, reports correspondent. TASS from the courtroom. “To elect a measure of restraint… in the form of detention for two months, i.e. until 11 June 2018,” said judge Alexander vyalov. See also: the commander was putting out “Winter cherry” fire link was six reprimands

The crash of the helicopter the Ka-29 in the Baltic sea, killing two pilot

The crash of the helicopter the Ka-29 in the Baltic sea, killing two pilot MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. The Ka-29 crashed during the night of test flights in the Baltic sea, two test pilot was killed, said the press service of the Baltic fleet. “Twelfth of April 2018 about 23.30 GMT in the night of test flights in the Baltic sea crashed helicopter Ka-29. The crew of two test pilots of the manufacturer of the helicopter were killed,” the message reads. On the site of the crash of the Ka-29 forces of the Baltic fleet conducted search operation is added to the message. The flight took place in normal weather conditions.