Russian Elon Musk died because of torture and rape in jail

Russian Elon Musk died because of torture and rape in jail The defendant in a criminal case of embezzlement at the defense Ministry during the construction of the submarine was raped and strangled in the St. Petersburg remand prison. His death gave for trying to kill herself, writes “Novaya Gazeta”. According to the publication, the engineer Valery Wheat died on 5 February after the investigation. That day convoy St. Petersburg SIZO No. 4 found him hanging on a cord from the hood with a length of 40 centimeters. The prison officials gave the incident a suicide. Conducted in February-March, the forensic medical examination showed that Wheat did not commit suicide but died as a result of injuries. Arrested were tortured, raped, and then strangled. His body was discovered incised and puncture wounds in the mouth — marks from the electric shock, in addition, he had a broken spine. The reason

The MOE has identified 400 objects, working without permission, the work 40 is suspended

The MOE has identified 400 objects, working without permission, the work 40 is suspended Ministry of emergency situations in the course of inspections revealed 400 shopping centres and other objects of a mass congestion of people operating without permits. This was on the conference call, said chief state inspector of Russia on fire supervision Rinat Enikeev. “The situation is exacerbated by the facts of operation of such buildings without permit, — said Mr. Enikeev.— The audits installed 400 of these objects”. After checking the emergencies Ministry has sent to the courts the requirement to suspend the work of the 111 facilities, in violation of fire safety requirements. Rinat Enikeev said that the currently suspended activities of 40 buildings, play areas and cinemas. He added that the fact of the violations found in administrative proceedings were brought 1.8 thousand officers and 363 of the legal entity. Mass check of shopping centers

The court returned custody of the Tagil police for beating to death a detainee

The court returned custody of the Tagil police for beating to death a detainee Moscow. April 16. INTERFAX.RU — Sverdlovsk regional court has cancelled the decision of Dzerzhinsky district court of Nizhny Tagil on changing the measure of restraint to a police officer, Dmitry Panov, accused of beating a detainee. “The measure of restraint changed to detention, the detention period extended for 1 month, until 7 may 2018, inclusive,” — said the press service of Sverdlovsk regional court. The district court chose the measure of restraint for the defendant in house arrest. According to investigators, in late September of last year, the police Department N17 Nizhny Tagil was taken a suspect in the theft. 30 September from the Department he was taken to the hospital because of ill health. On 3 October he died from his injuries. The suspects — police Anatoly Bykov, pans and Yegor Alanin was arrested in

On the market in the centre of Nalchik liquidated open burning

On the market in the centre of Nalchik liquidated open burning Moscow. April 16. INTERFAX.RU — the elimination of open burning in the “Green market” in the center of Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkaria), has informed Agency “Interfax” in a press-service of the southern regional emergency center. “Open burning is liquidated at 9:25 Moscow time”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier it was reported about the localization of fire on the area of 3200 sq. m. Victims of fire there. The message about the fire area of 600 square meters in the pavilion in the “Green market” came in at 6:14. Later it became known that the fire spread to the second pavilion. The fire was given the third rank. In extinguishing the fire involved 75 people and 13 units of equipment.

The area of the fire at the market in Nalchik has exceeded 2 thousand square meters

The area of the fire at the market in Nalchik has exceeded 2 thousand square meters NALCHIK, April 16. /TASS/. The area of the fire at the Central market of the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria (CBD) of Nalchik has exceeded 2 thousand square meters, told TASS in the city center of fire. Data on casualties yet. Earlier it was reported that the fire occurred on Monday morning. He was awarded the third — elevated rank of difficulty. Burn two pavilions, the fire threatened a third. “Area rose slightly, now more than 2 thousand sq m. I can’t say. The fire has extinguish”, — said the representative of the center fire.

In the US, with sales took out 200 million eggs because of possible outbreaks of salmonellosis

In the US, with sales took out 200 million eggs because of possible outbreaks of salmonellosis In the United States because of possible outbreaks of salmonellosis from sales made more than 200 million eggs. About it is reported on the website of the Department of sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines of the country. According to the Agency, products from the farm, in the County of Hyde (North Carolina) delivered in the retail shops and restaurants in nine States. Today, the American office has confirmed 22 cases of salmonellosis. Previously, the CPS warned about the outbreak of acute intestinal infection in the United States and urged Russians to consider this information when planning trips to America. Salmonellosis is an infectious disease of the digestive system, which is the causative agent bacteria of the genus Salmonella. It is accompanied by the expressed intoxication and dehydration of the body.

The safety in the “Winter cherry” sorry seven million

The safety in the “Winter cherry” sorry seven million As it became known””, on faulty fire safety systems installed in the Kemerovo SEC “Winter cherry”, it became known almost two years ago, but funds for its repair by the owner were not identified. A fire in a shopping centre in Kemerovo11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий As told “Kommersant” a source close to the investigation of criminal case about a fire in TTS “the Winter cherry”, which killed 64 people, became known new details related to the work of fire safety systems installed in the Mall. In particular, according to the interlocutor of “Kommersant”, the Director of “System integrator” Igor Polozenko (under arrest) entered into a contract of compensated rendering of services in maintenance of fire alarm systems in “Winter cherry” with CEO of JSC “kemerovskijj konditerskijj Kombinat” (the company—owner of the center) Yulia Bogdanova in July 2016. Installation the installation of the system in

In the Rostov region there was a collapse in the mine

In the Rostov region there was a collapse in the mine Moscow. April 15. INTERFAX.RU — the Collapse happened in the mine “Far” in Krasnosulinskaya district of Rostov region, has informed Agency “Interfax” the press service of the southern regional centre (yurts) of EMERCOM of Russia. However, according to informed sources of the Agency, one person was killed. “86 miners were able to get to the surface alone, and one remained in the mine. Later, his body was brought to the surface by the specialists of the militarized mine-rescue detachment”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The collapse occurred at a depth of 800 meters.

Ukrainian border guards detained Russians

Ukrainian border guards detained Russians MOSCOW, 14 APR — RIA Novosti. In Odessa international airport detained a Russian citizen, convicted of use of counterfeit documents. This was reported on the website of state frontier service of Ukraine. “To use a forged passport tried a Russian citizen, who arrived by the flight “Istanbul — Odessa”, — reports the Agency. Ukrainian law enforcement officers found that the man had used a fake passport and brought him to administrative responsibility. He was also banned from entering Ukraine for three years. Earlier in the Kharkiv region detained a Russian citizen for illegal crossing of the border.

Two injured in road accident near Vologda are in serious condition

Two injured in road accident near Vologda are in serious condition MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Two of the three victims in road accident in the Vologda region, delivered in regional clinical hospital are in serious condition, said the Governor of the region Oleg Kuvshinnikov. Traffic accident involving passenger minibus Volkswagen and Volvo happened on Friday at 18.05 on the 110-kilometer highway Vologda — Novaya Ladoga near the village of Tsarevo of the Cherepovets district in the Vologda region. In the accident seven people were killed, three were injured. The investigative Committee began preliminary examination on the fact of the accident. Earlier it was reported that in memory of the victims of road accident in the Vologda region of April 14 declared a day of mourning. “The truck driver, who was diagnosed with minor injuries and bruised wound of the head, were sent to outpatient treatment. Unfortunately, two women