In the US the shooter nudist killed three people near a cafe

In the US the shooter nudist killed three people near a cafe MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. Unknown opened fire at a chain coffee shop, Waffle House near the American city of Nashville (Tennessee), three people were killed and four were injured, said city police. “Three people were fatally wounded, another four were injured in a shooting near Waffle House… an Armed man opened fire at 3.25 local time (11.25 MSK). The visitor knocked the weapon from him,” — said in a statement posted in the official police account on Twitter. According to police, the attacker during the shooting was naked. He left the scene, police conduct its search.

The death toll in the explosion in Kabul rose to 48 people

The death toll in the explosion in Kabul rose to 48 people MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the explosion near the center for the registration of voters in the Afghan capital has increased to 48, and another 112 people were injured, reports on Sunday television channel TOLOnews, citing the country’s Ministry of health. Previously reported 31 killed and over 50 injured. The explosion occurred near the center of the voter registration and issuing of identity documents to the West of the Afghan capital on Sunday morning. An explosive device detonated a suicide bomber. Responsibility for the attack was taken by the terrorist group “Islamic state”, banned in Russia.

In Ukraine detained a Russian citizen wanted for bribery

In Ukraine detained a Russian citizen wanted for bribery KIEV, April 22 — RIA Novosti. Employees of the state border service of Ukraine detained in Odessa region Russian citizen who was wanted by Interpol for bribery and corruption, according to the Agency. “The check point “platonove” the guards of the Podolsk unit found and detained the citizen of the Russian Federation, which was in the international wanted list. The man was wanted at home to bring to criminal responsibility for bribery, corruption and excess of office powers”, — stated in the message. The name of the detainee is not specified. According to the Agency, about the detention informed the duty of Ukrbyuro of Interpol in Kiev, the detainee is handed over to the police.

The British media called the name of the poisoner Skrobala

The British media called the name of the poisoner Skrobala Ex-captain of the FSB with the call sign “Gordon” is suspected of involvement in the poisoning of Yulia and Sergei Skripal, British Salisbury. This writes the British newspaper the Mirror. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The publication claims that “Gordon” is 52 years old, he owns a Japanese martial art of Ju-jitsu in real life can use a passport in the name Michael Savickis, as well as two other alias. The suspect was able to leave the territory of the United Kingdom. Preparing for a chemical attack on the ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, the newspaper notes, were six people. “Gordon” pointed out during a five-hour interrogation in London defector Boris Karpichev. He described “Gordon”, as “a very smart, educated, ambitious and ruthless man.” Also, according to Kubickova, he was charming and personable and quickly was able to gain the trust

Saudi king hid in the bunker for a toy airplane

Saudi king hid in the bunker for a toy airplane Saudi Arabia’s king Salman bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud was evacuated to the bunker on the King Khaled military base. On Saturday, April 21, announced on Twitter by the journalist Ali al-Ahmed (Ali AlAhmed). Breaking News Global reports on Twitter that near the Royal Palace in Riyadh heard shooting and explosions. At the same time, a journalist of The Wall Street Journal Stancati Margarita (Margherita Stancati) stated that nothing serious happened: simply to the residence of the monarch flew too close to a toy drone or airplane. This is also with reference to the official sources, writes Reuters. In connection with the incident, some Saudi media reported a coup attempt in the country.

During hurricane 17 people injured

During hurricane 17 people injured MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. Seventeen people, according to the latest data, suffered from the hurricane in Moscow, 14 of them were hospitalized, among them three children, told RIA Novosti the head of the Moscow Department of health. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +21° 30% 759 mm Hg. article 5 m/s “At the moment, suffered and asked for help 17 people, 14 of them were hospitalized, among them three children and 11 adults,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

Liquidated in Dagestan militants were preparing a terrorist attack during the may holidays

Liquidated in Dagestan militants were preparing a terrorist attack during the may holidays According to updated figures, killed nine criminals. TASS, April 21. Nine militants who were planning a terrorist attack on the may day holidays, eliminated in Dagestan. About TASS reported in the information centre of National antiterrorist Committee (NAC). In a targeted search was found two groups of bandits in different parts of the city. On offer law enforcement agencies to lay down their arms and to surrender criminals have opened fire from automatic weapons. After a summary of the shootings, nine of the bandits were neutralized.NAC Victims among the civilian population and losses among the personnel of the security forces there. One special forces officer was slightly injured. According to the NAC, the militants had planned the attack for the may holidays. “During carrying out quickly-investigation actions on suppression of activity of the bandit underground in territory

In Moscow hurricane has tumbled down hundreds of trees

In Moscow hurricane has tumbled down hundreds of trees As told Sergei Sobyanin that hospitalized seven people — three children and four adults. Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — Hurricane in Moscow was not without casualties, said the mayor Sergey Sobyanin. “In the hospital delivered three children and four adults. Tragically, one child in serious condition”, — he wrote on his Twitter page on Saturday. He said that the hurricane threw in Moscow hundreds of trees. Sobyanin said that the city services started to liquidate the consequences of natural disasters. Earlier an informed source told “Interfax” that 12 people have suffered as a result played out in Moscow the weather. In Moscow and Moscow region operates the “orange”, the penultimate level of weather danger because of the wind. As reported “Interfax” in the capital’s weather Bureau, according to wind strength in the region in places reached 30m/s. “In the Moscow agricultural

Four members of illegal armed groups neutralized in Dagestan

Four members of illegal armed groups neutralized in Dagestan Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU the members of the security forces on Saturday managed to neutralize the four militants during the counterterrorist operation (CTO) in Dagestan, told “Interfax” an informed source. “On the street of Suleiman stalsky in Derbent was the prosecution of domestic cars, which moved four members of illegal armed groups. All of them neutralized — some arrested and some eliminated,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier, referring to the operational headquarters of NAC in the Republic it was reported that at 13:30 MSK CTO regime introduced in the city of Derbent and Derbent district. Read also: the Court arrested the property of four Dagestani officials

FSB reported on the prevention of terrorist attack of ISIS in Stavropol

FSB reported on the prevention of terrorist attack of ISIS in Stavropol The Federal security service (FSB) of Russia reported on the suppression of terrorist attack in the Stavropol region. According to the FSB report, the terrorist attacks planned to organize a supporter of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). “Sworn to its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in Syria, has begun planning the resonant terrorist attacks using firearms and improvised explosive devices” — said the FSB. “The targets of terrorist acts were to become the building of the government of Stavropol territory and the territorial body security,” says the secret service. According to the FSB, during the detention of the Islamist had employees armed resistance and was killed. “On the scene found a gun sawn-off shotgun of the 16th caliber ammunition, a knife, a cleaver, a package with striking elements in the form of screws, sawn fittings and