Police studied his former partner and paid

Police studied his former partner and paid An employee of the British police from Stafford (Staffordshire) used his official position to follow former husband and the former wife and children of the cohabitant. It got her removed from office, fined 270 pounds (over 300 euros) and six months of community service, reports the Daily Mail. 44-year-old Michelle Dunn (Michelle Denne) since 2009, several times illegally collected data from police databases. She was caught in the investigation, initiated after the detection of violations. In the end, she pleaded guilty in six cases. As reported, den — the mother of three children. After the separation from her husband she started a new relationship with a man named Fincher. The police were extremely strained relationship with his ex-wife, and once she climbed to the database at work and collected information about the woman, her children and family. In 2010, she was also looking

At the airport of Rio de Janeiro found 100 kilos of heroin

At the airport of Rio de Janeiro found 100 kilos of heroin MEXICO city, April 25 — RIA Novosti. Customs officers of airport Rio de Janeiro, was found on Tuesday about 50 kilograms of explosives and 100 kilograms of heroin in a consignment from China. As the channel Globovision, the cargo was detained at the airport in September last year because of problems with documents, but now, customs has decided to check its contents. In the result instead of the declared chemicals for the production of medical drops in barrels were found with drugs and explosives.

Moskalkova appealed to the Verkhovna Rada for detaining activist

Moskalkova appealed to the Verkhovna Rada for detaining activist MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova sent a letter to the Ukrainian Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova with a request for assistance in the early release of the inhabitant of the Crimea, arrested on Monday on the border with Ukraine and to international organizations, demanding to condemn the illegal actions of the Ukrainian security services. As reported on the website of the Russian movement “the Volunteers of victory”, the inhabitant of the Crimea Elena Odnova, which, according to the press service of the movement, is a civil Russia, were detained by Ukrainian law enforcement agencies on April 23, when she went to Ukraine to relatives. “In connection with illegal detention and violation of the rights of residents of Crimea sent an appeal to the Commissioner for human rights of the Verkhovna Rada

Chinese woman went to the hospital because of the falling at her with the “heaven” of the dog

Chinese woman went to the hospital because of the falling at her with the “heaven” of the dog MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. A resident of China was in the hospital after she fell the dog. The incident was caught on a surveillance camera, reports the Daily Mail. The footage shows that the woman came to the door of a house when the top fell on her dog. The blow to the head and neck and she lost consciousness. The animal ran away. During the download an error has occurred. Eyewitnesses called an ambulance. The victim was diagnosed with a concussion and neck injury. The police establishes the circumstances of the incident and looking for the owner of the dog.

The number of victims of collisions with pedestrians in Toronto has increased to 10

The number of victims of collisions with pedestrians in Toronto has increased to 10 Victims of a collision of a minivan into pedestrians in Toronto have become 10 people. Another 15 were injured. The police believe the actions of the arrested driver, 25-year-old Alika Minassian, deliberate, and tend to the version about the attack. His motives are unknown. The tragedy occurred on the background of passing in the meetings of foreign Ministers and of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the G7 countries. According to recent reports, the death toll for pedestrians in Toronto, Canada has grown to 10 employees. The number of wounded is 15 persons, from them five are in a critical condition. Among the wounded were three citizens of South Korea. The incident occurred on the outskirts of the city on a busy street Yong on Monday around 13:00 local time (20:00 Moscow time). Called the police,

Toronto police considers all versions of the van hitting pedestrians

Toronto police considers all versions of the van hitting pedestrians The consequence does not exclude that the incident might be a terrorist attack. OTTAWA, April 24. /TASS/. Hitting a van into pedestrians in Toronto could be a terrorist attack, but the investigation is considering all versions. On Monday said the chief of police of the city mark Sanders at the press conference, which was broadcast by national TV channels of Canada. “We don’t rule anything out, but based on what we have right now is too early to draw conclusions. The investigation is ongoing. We’re trying to figure out motives,” he said, answering the question about the possibility of a terrorist attack. The police chief noted that “this action seems prepared in advance”. Sanders also said that the detained driver who was a 25-year-old resident of Richmond, Alec Minassian now, investigators are working, but refused to give any details. “When

The bankers have requested for checking

The bankers have requested for checking As it became known “Kommersant”, the TFR and the FSB thwarted in Moscow a large Scam, which, according to them, was attended by former and current high-ranking employees of Central administrative Board (GU) Bank of Russia for the Central Federal district. Chief economist of banking supervision GU Alex Yurgelevich and his father Igor Yurgelevich, according to the investigation, demanded that the management of Bank of corporate financing (OOO “Bank BKF”) of €125 million, claiming that supposedly thanks to their efforts, the Central Bank previously praised the work of BKF. As told “Kommersant” in BKF, planned inspection of the Central Bank began their September 29, 2017. Its purpose was to study the condition of the assets, liabilities under Bank guarantees and the correctness of calculation of reserves. The auditors made 7 Dec. In February this year, BKF received the order of service of the current

In the United States were hospitalized George H. W. Bush

In the United States were hospitalized George H. W. Bush It is noted that the 93-year-old former US President was in the hospital due to an infection. TASS, April 24. The U.S. President, 1989-1993 George H. W. Bush hospitalized in Houston (Texas) due to spread of infection. On Monday Twitter announced the official family spokesperson Jim McGrath. “President Bush is hospitalized in hospital of the Methodist Church of downtown Houston yesterday morning after the infection got into his blood stream. He responds positively to treatment and is recovering,” the statement said McGrath. Statement by the Office of @GeorgeHWBush on Bush’President’s health. pic.twitter.com/8UkB53JHqD — Jim McGrath (@jgm41) 23 APR 2018 Wife of H. W. Bush Barbara Bush died on 17 April at the age of 92 years.

Media said the number of victims in collisions with pedestrians in Toronto

Media said the number of victims in collisions with pedestrians in Toronto Victims are pedestrians in Toronto were nine people. As a result of the van hitting pedestrians in Toronto killed nine people. This was told in city police, reports the Toronto Star. Another 16 people were injured. The incident occurred in the afternoon of 23 April. The driver of the van ran into a crowd of pedestrians, then continued the movement. Police later detained the man. REALLY sounds like he’s saying “kill me, I’ve got a gun in my pocket, shoot me in the head”#toronto #torontoattack pic.twitter.com/RcxkMufNxb — Kek_Magician (@Keque_Mage) 23 APR 2018 According to the channel, before the arrest, the driver threw an object resembling a weapon. At the moment, the man in custody, the motive or the cause of the accident is still unknown. Earlier media reported about the two victims. The police blocked the street where

Reuters: at least two people were killed when hitting a van for pedestrians in Toronto

Reuters: at least two people were killed when hitting a van for pedestrians in Toronto According to preliminary data, injuring up to 10 people. TASS, April 23. At least two people died in Toronto Monday as a result of collision of minibus for pedestrians. About it reported Reuters, citing witnesses of the incident. The incident occurred on Monday at one of the busiest intersections in the Northern part of Toronto. The driver of the minibus was moving at high speed on the sidewalk, knocking down pedestrians. According to preliminary data, injuring up to 10 people. UPDATE: the Driver of the van fled the scene – reports https://t.co/DGFIloaTuZ #Toronto pic.twitter.com/uL0Ljdr9u8 — RT (@RT_com) April 23, 2018. Police have detained a minibus driver who committed the collision. The guards did not give data on the possible motives are taken into custody. Currently in Toronto held a meeting of foreign Ministers of the