Co-owner of “the Winter cherries” will give the building to the town and will pay for the demolition

Co-owner of “the Winter cherries” will give the building to the town and will pay for the demolition The main owner of the burned down shopping center (Mall) “Winter cherry OAO kemerovskijj konditerskijj Kombinat” will give the building to the authorities of Kemerovo and will pay for the demolition, told reporters the mayor Ilya Seredyuk. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “The owners of the building about 40, but the key is “kemerovskijj konditerskijj Kombinat” — have consented to its abandonment in favor of the municipality, he is ready to pay for the demolition of the building as a whole, and creating in its place a that would like to see the people”, — said Serdyuk (quoted by “Interfax”). Now the legal issues are resolved with other landlords, including those with Sberbank, said Serdyuk: “Some owners are also willing to give up and give their property to the municipality”. “There are things beyond business, but

To refineries in the United States extinguished the fire, which injured about 20 people

To refineries in the United States extinguished the fire, which injured about 20 people MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Emergency services extinguished the fire at the refinery, the company Husky Energy in the city of Superior, Wisconsin, in which 20 people were injured, according to city police. “The police Superior and (the company) Husky Energy confirmed that the fire is out. The order to evacuate will remain in force for about two hours,” reads the Twitter account of the city police. The explosion and ensuing fire occurred in the morning local time. According to fire chief Gord superior Steve Pangere allegedly exploded a small container, which was either crude oil or bitumen. According to the newspaper Duluth News Tribune, after a series of new explosions personnel were evacuated. As reported by the newspaper, the fire affected 20 people, at least five of whom were taken to hospital. The plant

The helicopter crash at the man in Colombia was shown on the video

The helicopter crash at the man in Colombia was shown on the video MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. Aircraft engineer from Colombia who worked at the crash site of the helicopter, was killed when another aircraft came crashing down on him, reports The Independent. On that footage of the fall is seen as the helicopter hovers over the crash site, while the wreckage of the fallen aircraft climbs one person, and the other sends a signal to the pilots, hands up. Suddenly the helicopter in the air, loses control and falls right on them. According to representatives of local law enforcement, the reason for the fall was technical malfunction. During the download an error has occurred. The incident occurred in the South-East of the country, his victim was the chief of service of maintenance of the company Helifly Ivan Andres Lopez Londoño. Besides him, as a result of incident nobody has

Developer “Newbie” called nonsense arguments of the Russian authorities about the matter

Developer “Newbie” called nonsense arguments of the Russian authorities about the matter The British version of the poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter is closer to the truth than the Russian, said in an interview with “Kommersant FM” one of the possible developers warfare agents Novichok Vladimir Uglev. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “We from the Russian side. so much nonsense uttered, — said the chemist.— The results that I posted on the Internet for the analysis of substances, spectral data, mass spectra, suggests that this is A-234 (code designation “Newbie”)”. We will remind, the British special services say that Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was poisoned in March substance a “Newbie” of Russian origin. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons said in a report that confirms the findings of the United Kingdom on the composition of toxic substances, but the name and the country of origin

Source: Dzhigarkhanyan taken to hospital and is in a coma

Source: Dzhigarkhanyan taken to hospital and is in a coma MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. USSR people’s artist Armen Jigarkhanyan on Thursday was urgently hospitalized in one of the capital’s hospitals and is in a coma. About this TASS said a source in medical circles. “Armen Borisovich was urgently hospitalized in the Metropolitan hospital with a heart attack. He is in a coma and connected to the ventilator,” — said the Agency interlocutor, without specifying the medical institution, where did actor. This is the third hospitalization of the actor since the beginning of the year. January 17, Dzhigarkhanyan was admitted to a hospital from his theatre in Moscow city clinical hospital 1. N. I. Pirogov with suspicion on a hypertensive crisis. Earlier it was reported that doctors were suspected neuralgia, they also do not exclude that an artist could catch the virus. Doctors conducted examination, EKG, x-rays and other procedures, no

In Moscow hospitalized Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

In Moscow hospitalized Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU — Actor and Director Armen Dzhigarkhanyan hospitalized in a Moscow hospital, have informed “Interfax” on Thursday informed source. “Dzhigarkhanyan hospitalized due to poor health. His condition is of medium gravity”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that the actor had heart issues. He might have to stay in hospital for a few days. The actor was hospitalized in late January 2018, then it was reported that he was in the hospital with a complication of viral diseases. A few days after he was discharged.

The FSB reported the destruction of insurgents in several regions of the Russian Federation

The FSB reported the destruction of insurgents in several regions of the Russian Federation From 21 to 24 April, the illegal activities of militants and members of terrorist groups foiled in Dagestan, Tatarstan, Stavropol Krai, Omsk and Ulyanovsk regions. Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU — FSB of Russia reported that from 21 to 24 April in the territories of the republics of Dagestan and Tatarstan, Stavropol Krai, Omsk and Ulyanovsk regions stopped the illegal activities of 12 members of illegal armed groups and 14 members of the terrorist structures. In particular, on 21 April in Stavropol stopped by the criminal activities of a supporter of the international terrorist organization ISIS (banned in Russia) who planned the resonant terrorist attack using firearms and improvised explosive devices. The object of the attack was to be the building of the government of Stavropol territory and boundary management of FSB. The criminal offered armed resistance

TFR reclassified the charges to the press Secretary of Roskomnadzor

TFR reclassified the charges to the press Secretary of Roskomnadzor The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) reclassified the charges from fraud to embezzlement, the press Secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy, the head of the legal Department of Rossvyazokhrankultura, Boris Edidin and adviser of General Director FGUP “the Main radio frequency center” Alexander Vasilchikov. About this Agency city news “Moscow” said the lawyer, Arthur Bolshakov. “This week V. Ambalangoda, B. A. Vasilchikova Edidin and reclassified the charges from article 159 “Fraud”, article 160 “Embezzlement”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Press Secretary Vadim Ampelonskiy ILV is under house арестом — New news (@newizvestia) 12 Oct 2017. Earlier, the court sent Ampelonskiy, head of legal Department of Roskomnadzor Edidin and adviser of General Director FGUP “the Main radio frequency center” Vasilchikova under house arrest until may 7. The source of “Interfax” reported that the case against the employees of Roskomnadzor initiated because

In the Kremlin considered harmful talk about the complete collapse of the MOE

In the Kremlin considered harmful talk about the complete collapse of the MOE Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has commented on critical remarks about the activities of EMERCOM of Russia, expressed in the author’s program of Nikita Mikhalkov’s “Besogon TV”, as well as in some media. A fire in a shopping Mall in Kemerovo “With regard to various materials, including copyright, of which you said, about the situation in the MOE — not all of them agree with the information obtained through government agencies,” said Sands, answering a corresponding question of journalists. Harmful to say that all collapsed in a time when a huge number of rescuers and firefighters are working to extinguish fires that is the vastness of our country, and are saving thousands and thousands of citizens who suffer due to floods. Probably, too would be wrong.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President

Lawyer Kemerovo fireman said that he considers him a hero

Lawyer Kemerovo fireman said that he considers him a hero Lawyer Elena Kiseleva believes the accused is innocent of negligence of the chief of the fire squad of Genin and Sergei, unlike the investigation, believes that there is no direct connection of his actions on the scene of a fire in the Kemerovo shopping centre, “Winter cherry” with the deaths of 37 people. KEMEROVO, April 26 — RIA Novosti. “I protect not only innocent, but a hero. And will not give up these words, and see it even more. We all Philistine treat people of different professions, including everything we “know” how to extinguish fires. But, having become acquainted with the officers, Charter, by which they have to work, I realized that fire protection and FEMA is a paramilitary organization, existing well”, — said Kiselyov at session of the Kemerovo regional court on the appeal of arrest of her client.