CNN: in new York, Harvey Weinstein sued for rape

CNN: in new York, Harvey Weinstein sued for rape An associate producer of the TV series “Marco Polo,” said that suffered bullying from the Weinstein within five years. NEW YORK, may 2. /TASS/. An associate producer of the TV series “Marco Polo” (Marco Polo, 2014-2016) Alexandra Canosa, filed a lawsuit to the producer Harvey Weinstein for rape, sexual violence and threats. This was reported on Tuesday by CNN. The lawsuit was filed in the court in Manhattan. Canosa indicates that endured various kinds of abuse by Weinstein for five years. She claims that the producer has repeatedly subjected her to sexual violence in Los Angeles, and during his stay in Malaysia was raped. The woman notes that Weinstein threatened her, saying if she tells anyone about what happened, then her career will be over. Canosa emphasizes that the violence against her, knew several members of the company Weinstein Company, co-founder

About 100 thousand hectares of forest burning in Russia

About 100 thousand hectares of forest burning in Russia Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — According to the Federal service Avialesookhrana of Russia for the last day eliminated the 122 forest fires on the area more than 13 thousand hectares. By data for morning of environment in the country continue to operate 79 wildfires on the area of 99 thousand hectares. on Tuesday, the Ministry reported that Russia recorded 88 wildfires on an area of about 170 hectares. The largest number of thermal spots recorded in the Amur region — 13 wildfires on an area of over 75, 2 thousand hectares. Large forest fires are in the TRANS — 15 fires with a total area of 9.8 thousand hectares in the Khabarovsk territory — 13 fires on the area more than 9 thousand hectares in the Primorsky Krai — 10 fires on the area more than 4.3 thousand hectares, One fire

In Brazil up to 45 people missing in the fire

In Brazil up to 45 people missing in the fire The number of missing in the fire, which collapsed high-rise building in Sao Paulo, Brazil, can reach 45 people, said on Tuesday the channel Globo. MEXICO city, may 2 — RIA Novosti. Building lit up at night on Tuesday and later collapsed. The fire spread to a nearby skyscraper, but firefighters have it under control, not allowing to spread throughout the building. Earlier it was reported about the death of one person, the number of missing was estimated at three people. “Based on the registry living in a fallen building, firefighters are now working, starting from the information about 45 missing,” — said the channel. The whereabouts of these people is not yet established, but this does not mean that they are all under the rubble. During the download an error has occurred. According to preliminary data, the cause of

From a jewelry boutique in Paris, thieves on bikes took jewelry on 300 thousand euros

From a jewelry boutique in Paris, thieves on bikes took jewelry on 300 thousand euros From a jewelry boutique in Central Paris the attackers were able to take out the jewelry in the amount of 300 thousand euros. As specified, the robbery of the store on the street Saint-Pere occurred on the night of Monday, April 30. The attackers broke down the door and gathered a considerable number of rings, bracelets and pendants up to the moment the alarm went off. Thieves in a hurry left the boutique, so all the tools left at the crime scene. Thus the production in the amount of 300 thousand euros they have not forgotten, reports RIA Novosti. The attackers fled the scene on bicycles. Of course, this form of transport enabled them to remain unnoticed. This original way of traveling thieves in Paris have used in October 2016, during a robbery of the

In the center of Sao Paulo struck a burning high-rise building

In the center of Sao Paulo struck a burning high-rise building MOSCOW, may 1 — RIA Novosti. In an apartment building in Sao Paulo caught fire. Fire design broke and the building collapsed, said the publication Folha de S. Paulo. According to preliminary data, one person died. Numerous eyewitnesses insist that the upper floors were still people and victims could be more. On a scene firemen and rescuers. The area of the incident cordoned off. incêndio gigante acontecendo em SP há mais de horas e a Globo não abriu nem um plantão para comunicar, a SBT está cobrindo tudo ao vivo. Muito triste, rezo que não tenha vítimas! — nati ? (@obsnati) may 1, 2018. During the download an error has occurred.

The death toll in the explosions in Kabul rose to 29

The death toll in the explosions in Kabul rose to 29 MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The death toll in two blasts in Kabul on Monday morning has risen to 29, more than 40 people were injured, the TV station TOLOnews reported, citing the country’s Ministry of health. Earlier it was reported that the victims were 25 people, about 50 injured. Two explosions rocked Kabul on Monday morning. According to police, the first explosion carried out by suicide bomber on a motorcycle. The second explosion occurred in the same area about 20 minutes after the first, when on a scene there arrived journalists and emergency services, explosive device detonated a suicide bomber. The result of the second explosion, according to the Ministry, killing seven journalists and cameramen, including a photographer for Agence France Presse. The Afghan channel 1TV confirmed that the victims were two employees of the organization correspondent

On mine in Tuva collapsed

On mine in Tuva collapsed MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Caving occurred in the mine of OOO “UK Mezhegeyugol” Tandinskomu area of Tuva, reported on the website of the regional Central Board MOE. “In 11.07 (local) 30.04.2018 year in operational duty shift CMC received a message on the fact of the collapse in the mine of OOO “UK Mezhegeyugol” Tandinskomu district”, — stated in the message. At the scene employs 21 people and three units of equipment, including from EMERCOM of 15 people, one unit of equipment is added to the message.

In Kabul, seven people were killed in the attack

In Kabul, seven people were killed in the attack MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Victims of two explosions in Kabul, seven people, another 20 were injured, according to the Agency Pagvac with reference to the Ministry of health. The explosions occurred in the Afghan capital Monday morning. According to media reports, the first explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle. In addition, a roadside bomb went off in Nangarhar province in the East of the country. One policeman was killed and five people were injured. According to TV channel Tolo News that among the victims, the Deputy Governor of the County Based.

In Iraq, 19 of the Russians was sentenced to life imprisonment

In Iraq, 19 of the Russians was sentenced to life imprisonment MOSCOW, April 29 — RIA Novosti. An Iraqi court sentenced to life imprisonment 19 Russians, according to local TV Al Sumaria. All of them accused of involvement in a terrorist group “Islamic state.”* Other parts of the channel not yet leads. In April, the Central criminal court of Iraq has sentenced to life imprisonment seven foreigners, including two Russians. According to the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs, at Iraqi prisons remain 50 to 70 women who presumably have Russian citizenship. * A terrorist organization banned in Russia. See also: VIA Gra in tel afar: how dozens of Russian women left their husbands in the IG, and was in the Baghdad prison

Hex removal cost Voronezh the pensioner in 400 thousand rubles

Hex removal cost Voronezh the pensioner in 400 thousand rubles Gullible woman was left without money and gold jewelry. In Voronezh police are searching for fortune tellers who robbed 75-the summer local resident. The incident occurred at about 11:00 on April 24 in the street Rostov. The pensioner was approached by two strangers, and one of them started to convince a woman that sees her the evil eye, and strong damage, which can lead to illness or even death. A fortune teller promised the frightened pensioner is free to withdraw her damage. For this it was necessary to conduct a “cleansing” of all existing home and passbook money, and gold jewelry. Zapudrili head pensioner, she sent her assistant home to the old woman, and she promised to around 16 intersections, to begin procedure of removal of damage. In some hours the pensioner brought the fortune teller all your money, 303