Near Voronezh crashed the plane

Near Voronezh crashed the plane TASS, June 23 — as a result of incident the pilot was killed. The plane crashed on Saturday morning in the Petropavlovsk district of Voronezh region during processing fields, the pilot was killed, reported TASS the representative of Edinaya dezhurno-dispatching service (EDDS) of the municipality. “The plane crashed and the pilot died. It selhozaviatsii, he cultivated the fields. About this call came about 5:00. Fuel spillage no — the plane crashed in an open field threat to anybody there,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that at the scene, investigators are working.

In a criminal case a press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor there was one episode of a crime of nine

In a criminal case a press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor there was one episode of a crime of nine MOSCOW, June 22. /TASS/. In the press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy, accused of embezzlement, there was one episode of the nine investigated. This was announced during the meeting in Moscow city court lawyer, the correspondent of TASS. “Earlier Ampelonskiy was accused of fraud [article 159 of the criminal code] on nine episodes, then the consequence retrained the case on embezzlement [of article 160 of the criminal code], and in only one episode of a crime,” said lawyer Elena Vyatkina, representing another defendant in the case, adviser to the General Director of FGUP “Main radio-frequency centre” Alexander Vasilchikov. The Moscow city court on Friday considered the appeal against the extension of house arrest Ampelonskiy, Vasilchikova and head of legal Department of the Ministry of Boris Edidin. Previously Basmanny court of Moscow extended to them

In the case of the press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor the amount of damage increased almost three times

In the case of the press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor the amount of damage increased almost three times Business FM became known that the TFR has increased almost three times the amount of damages in the case of Vadim Ampelonskiy and the other defendants. Three of them were left under house arrest, they are forbidden to use the Internet. However, the Anemoscope page on Facebook is regularly updated. The investigative Committee of Russia has increased almost three times the amount of damage, imputed to the press Secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy and three of the four defendants in the criminal case about frauds with the calculation of salaries. If the original defendants were charged with the theft of more than 20 million rubles, and now the consequence estimates a damage of almost 60 million However, the protection of the majority of the defendants believes that the actions of their clients do not

Oleg Sentsov refused to seek pardon from the President of Russia

Oleg Sentsov refused to seek pardon from the President of Russia Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov, who is serving in Russia, a 20-year term, will not ask for pardon from President Vladimir Putin. About it his lawyer Dmitry Dinze 22 Jun told RTVI. “Sentsov will not write applications and petitions for mercy”, the lawyer added. According to the lawyer, the President of Russia to pardon the Director on the basis of the statement of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Prior to that, Dinze told “Interfax” that Sentsov was having problems with the kidney and heart, and most of the time he lies. “Now he pumped three or four liters of nutrient fluids through a catheter because he has all the veins pricked already by the previous procedures,” the lawyer explained. The Director also refused to stop the hunger strike, on the proposal of the European court of human

In Tatarstan 7 people were hospitalized after a gas explosion in a residential building

In Tatarstan 7 people were hospitalized after a gas explosion in a residential building Seven people were hospitalized after a gas cylinder explosion in a residential building of the city of Zainsk in Tatarstan, reported in the regional center of medicine of accidents. “The condition of two of them is serious, five as moderate severity”, — quotes the statement of physicians TASS. The incident occurred in the house on the street of M. Nikiforova. A gas tank exploded during maintenance work in one of the apartments. All nine people injured. During the download an error has occurred. On site working staff of the emergency services. The gas supply to the residents of the building, where they had an emergency, temporarily suspended. “Now there are specialists who will determine whether there is a need to disable communications throughout the house,” said emergency service district operational-gas service. Yesterday it was reported about

Lawyer: Oleg Sentsov did not gain weight during the hunger strike

Lawyer: Oleg Sentsov did not gain weight during the hunger strike Lawyer Dmitry Dinze has denied the words of the Commissioner for human rights in Russia Tatiana Moskalkova that the Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov gained weight. On the 21st of June I reported to “the Media” with reference to the journalist Anton Naumiuk. Dinze suggested that the wrong information about the weight after Moskaleva gave the Ombudsman on human rights in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous area Anatoly SAC, who regularly visits the Director. According to Dinze, Sentsov during the strike lost around 13 kg and now weighs 77 kg. Every day he do the dropper with plenty of glucose, amino acids, nutrients and vitamins. Another lawyer said that doctors are concerned for the health of the Director, who allegedly had problems with heart and kidneys. On 16 June he was brought to the hospital and offered to start force-feeding, but Sentsov

TMZ: police detained a suspect in the murder of rapper XXXTentacion

TMZ: police detained a suspect in the murder of rapper XXXTentacion In Florida arrested a suspect in the murder of rapper XXXTentacion. This was reported by the tabloid TMZ. #BREAKING: 22-year-old Dedrick D. Williams arrested and charged in the murder of XXXTentacion — Joel Franco (@OfficialJoelF) June 21, 2018 The Broward County police arrested 22-year-old Cedrika D. Williams. He is suspected of first-degree murder. Williams was previously arrested for possession of weapons and cocaine, domestic violence and theft. After the arrest, Williams was also accused of violating terms of probation and car theft. He was detained without possibility of bail, according to TMZ. XXXTentacion died June 18 from a gunshot wound. According to police, he was shot in the store selling motorcycles on the beach Deerfield Florida. Witnesses said they saw two people who fled the scene of the crime. Police have declared an award in $3 thousand for

The ECHR rejected the complaint on Breivik’s conditions of detention

The ECHR rejected the complaint on Breivik’s conditions of detention MOSCOW, June 21 — RAPSI. The European court of human rights (ECHR) rejected the complaint of Anders Behring Breivik’s conditions of detention as “clearly unfounded”, according to the official website of the court on Thursday. Due to the fact that in 2017 Breivik changed his name to, Thorolf Hansen, the decision was taken on the case “Hansen V. Norway”. As pointed out by the ECtHR, the applicant complained about the violation of their rights guaranteed by articles 3 (prohibition of torture) and 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention for the protection of human rights in connection with his isolation from other prisoners. Having considered the matter, the Strasbourg court has not revealed any violations in relation to Breivik, supporting the relevant decision of the Supreme court of Norway handed down in June 2017.

The convicted former head of the Sakhalin oblast was accused of receiving bribes another 20

The convicted former head of the Sakhalin oblast was accused of receiving bribes another 20 The investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) announced the completion of the Sakhalin region investigatory actions on criminal case against the already convicted ex-Governor of the region Alexander Khoroshavin and his accomplices, accused of crimes of corruption. The investigation revealed additional episodes of criminal activity of officials of the region. So, Khoroshavin, the former head of the Secretariat of the Sakhalin region Governor Vyacheslav Gorbachev, former Deputy Director of the office of the Governor and government of Sakhalin region Anatoly Makarov, the ex-mayor of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the General Director of JSC “Terminal Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk” Andrew Lobkin, former Deputy mayor, former chief of staff of the city administration of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Alexei Leskin charged with committing a total of 20 crimes under part 6 of article 290 of the criminal code — “receiving a bribe, committed by an organized group

Moskalkova has named a 39-day hunger strike after medical starvation

Moskalkova has named a 39-day hunger strike after medical starvation The Commissioner for human rights under the President of Russia Tatyana Moskalkova has compared the hunger strike film Director Oleg Sentsov, who is serving a sentence in colony Yamal “polar bear”, from medical starvation. She said this in an interview with “Novaya Gazeta”. According to her, she receives daily from the Commissioner for human rights in the region Anatoly Saca reports with photos on the status of the prisoner. The Ombudsman has accused the Commissioner for human rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Lyudmila Denisova in delaying the process of visiting the Ukrainian and Russian prisoners. According to Moskalkova, her Ukrainian colleagues engaged in provocation. In response Denisov accused Moscow of sabotaging the arrangements. She suspects that Sentsov can force-feed, and reliable information about the state of his health from the Ukrainian side. After the hunger strike began, the Director