Hospitalized in Britain, police have not found poisoning

Hospitalized in Britain, police have not found poisoning LONDON, Jul 8 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Signs of poisoning with nerve substance the British police, suspected in a hospital, Salisbury, is not detected, said transferred to the RIA Novosti statement, police Wiltshire. “We are pleased to confirm that the police, who, as the precautions applied for advice to the County hospital Salisbury in connection with the incident under investigation in Amesbury, he was examined, he was all right. We would like to recall the message management public health England that the risk to the public remains low”, — stated in the message. Earlier, the hospital in Salisbury reported that the police officer was hospitalized with suspected poisoning by a nerve agent.

In Salisbury reported on the new poisoning nerve substance

In Salisbury reported on the new poisoning nerve substance LONDON, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Police officer hospitalized in Britain with suspicion on poisoning with nerve substance, said Saturday night hospital English town of Salisbury. On the morning of 4 July, the British police have reported a “serious incident” in nearby Salisbury and Amesbury, where two people “were under the influence of an unknown substance” and was hospitalized in critical condition. Later, the head of the counter-terrorism unit of Scotland Yard Neil Basu confirmed that the man and woman in Amesbury was poisoned by the same substance that worked for the British security services of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. Amesbury is located near Salisbury. Victims of Amesbury are being treated in hospital in Salisbury, where he was treated and Skrypali. London accuses Russia of poisoning Skrobala, Moscow categorically denies it. “The police tonight appealed

For Ukrainian nuclear power plants have prevented man-made disaster

For Ukrainian nuclear power plants have prevented man-made disaster The security service of Ukraine (SBU) prevented the nuclear accident, which could lead to a disaster. This was reported on the Agency’s website on Saturday, July 7. SBU became known that the leadership of the South-Ukrainian NPP in the Mykolaiv region purchased low-quality equipment for systems important for safety operation of the enterprise. It is noted that it was counterfeit. “During a pretrial investigation militiamen documented the fact the supply and installation of power supply cable, the use of which is not provided for in the applicable rules, regulations and standards on nuclear and radiation safety”, — noted in the Department. The investigation continues, the question on attraction of officials to responsibility. Low-quality equipment urgently dismantle and change.

Elon Musk has proposed two ways to save the teenagers from the cave in Thailand

Elon Musk has proposed two ways to save the teenagers from the cave in Thailand Chapter companies SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk said that together with the cavers are discussing how to rescue children trapped in a locked cave in Thailand. “Good news from experts on caves in Thailand. Again we discuss the escape pod, to use that will be safe enough. More — structure of inflatable tubes with air gateways. With her fewer chances of success, given the difficult terrain, but will be perfect if will work out,” he wrote on Twitter. Twelve teenagers from the football team and their coach disappeared on June 23. When they were in the cave of Tham Luang, the flood came, and the group was cut off from the exit. 10 days later they were found, but still can not bring to the surface because of the continuing rains. Teenagers and coach are

In Moscow, the police detained the guard, stole from branches of the Bank 10 million rubles

In Moscow, the police detained the guard, stole from branches of the Bank 10 million rubles The man was arrested near his home, the money is withdrawn. RIAMA — 7 Jul. The guard has appropriated 10 million rubles from the branch of “Alfa-Bank”, the police detained a man in Moscow, said RIAMA on Saturday, the press officer of a financial institution. “The sixth of July around 13:00, was detained the security guard who committed the theft of cash. During the arrest the guard was found to have a large portion of the stolen,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that currently the paperwork for the arrest of the detainee and the withdrawal of funds, which will be attached to the case file as evidence. Arkady Kocheshkov in the Bank where he works “just took two packages of 5 million, looked around and went with them home.” A few days

In Japan, three million people ordered to evacuate due to heavy rains

In Japan, three million people ordered to evacuate due to heavy rains TOKYO, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The Japanese authorities due to heavy rains were instructed to evacuate 3 million people in 19 of Japan’s 47 prefectures, told NHK TV. On Friday in the Central and southwestern part of Japan was hit by torrential rains. Management of meteorological services had to impose seven prefectures level emergency alarm can actually declare these prefectures in the disaster zone, which happens every few decades. From different areas have reported damage. In Hiroshima over a swollen river was demolished railway bridge. In Okayama Prefecture, where the water level reached the second floor and above, people on the roofs asking for help. Messages about destructions and floods keep coming. Accurate and complete picture of everything that happened over the day, yet. By this time 46 people were killed, 5 are still unconscious

Source: SC detained first Deputy head of the fire fighting in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in Kemerovo

Source: SC detained first Deputy head of the fire fighting in the shopping center “Winter cherry” in Kemerovo Earlier Andrey Burin reported that rescuers met no one, so it was impossible to know the number of people in the building. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий TASS, 7 July. Investigators detained the head of the firefighting service of the first detachment of the Federal fire service in Kemerovo region Andrey Burcina, who first arrived at the fire at the Mall, “Winter cherry” in Kemerovo, killing 60 people. “Detained Borsina in the case of the “Winter cherry,” said TASS a source in law enforcement bodies, adding that he was arrested by the UK. The time of arrest, the spokesman said. One of the victims, Igor Vostrikov, Saturday posted on his page in the social network information, July 8, at the Central court of Kemerovo will pass the “meeting Borsino”. Confirm this information in court is not

Source: in Makhachkala have detained the former Minister of health of Dagestan

Source: in Makhachkala have detained the former Minister of health of Dagestan Tank Ibragimova is suspected of embezzling money allocated for the purchase of medical equipment. MAKHACHKALA, July 7. /TASS/. The former Minister of health of Dagestan, Tank Ibragimov, who left his post in April 2018, is detained at his home in Makhachkala, said on Saturday, TASS a source in law enforcement bodies of Dagestan. “On Saturday morning, security officials came to search the house to Ibragimov and detained him,” — said the source. According to him, Ibragimova is suspected of embezzling budget funds allocated for the purchase of medical equipment. The fact of detention of ex-Minister confirmed to TASS a source in the government of the Republic. 56-year-old Ibragimov headed the Ministry of health of Dagestan in February 2013. Since the beginning of February 2018 doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, honored doctor of the Russian Federation of the Tank

In Thailand locked in the cave, the children wrote a letter to parents and teachers

In Thailand locked in the cave, the children wrote a letter to parents and teachers BANGKOK, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. Twelve students, players, local Junior football team, and their 25-year-old coach, trapped by flooding in a ten-kilometer cave Tham Luang in Northern Thailand from June 23, transferred to the surface of the letter to the family. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий A team of combat swimmers of the Navy of Thailand, working in the cave, published in his Twitter account a photo of a letter written six notebook sheets, torn from different notebooks, which children are conveyed to the surface with one of the soldiers of the team that delivered them on Friday evening, letters to relatives. Parents and relatives of young players who are 11 to 16 years, living for two weeks in tent camp at the entrance to the cave. “We are fine, all healthy, don’t worry. When we’re out, I

Media reported about the arrest of former first Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan to 10 days

Media reported about the arrest of former first Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan to 10 days The Soviet district court of Makhachkala arrested for ten days the former first Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan Ramazan Aliyev. On Friday, July 6, said the representative of the Supreme court of the Republic. “The Soviet district court of Makhachkala has chosen a measure of restraint in form of detention in respect of the Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan Ramazan Aliyev for a period of 10 days”, — quotes its words “RIA Novosti”. The acting head of the Republic Vladimir Vasilev announced on 5 July that Ramazan Aliyev dismissed because of the failure of the plan to increase tax collection. He said that former Deputy Prime Minister assured all about raising funds for water Buynaksk district, and that managed to collect 1 billion 30 million rubles. However, in reality the funds were not collected.