“Roskosmos” revealed the details of the case of treason in the TsNIIMash

“Roskosmos” revealed the details of the case of treason in the TsNIIMash MOSCOW, 23 Jul — RIA Novosti. The case of treason TsNIIMash, the head research Institute of Roscosmos, for the events of 2013, questions to staff for other periods is not reported on the website of the state Corporation. MOSCOW, 23 Jul — RIA Novosti. “Investigators verified the events of 2013, which also confirmed the period for which was seized during the searches of the materials in the building of the Roscosmos and TsNIIMash. Questions to the employees of the company and the state Corporation for additional periods of activity there,” — said in a release. What happened Familiar with the investigation source told RIA Novosti that the searches were held in the office of the Director of the information analytical center of Roscosmos, Dmitry Payson. He declined to comment. The media reported that law enforcement agencies check “a

Stokilogrammovye the stone fell out of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

Stokilogrammovye the stone fell out of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem TEL AVIV, July 23 — RIA Novosti. A large stone weighing 100 pounds fell from the wailing Wall in Jerusalem on Monday and fell at the site intended for common prayer, at incident nobody has suffered. The stone was split near one of the worshippers on the place of women, but did not hurt her. The press service of the mayor’s office released the comment of the mayor of Jerusalem NIR Barkat about the incident near the main Shrine of Judaism. In it, in particular, the mayor described the incident as a miracle. “A stone weighing a hundred pounds fell near the praying, but no one was hurt,” — said in the comments of Barkat. However, the mayor in his comments reported on the intention to request the office of the Prime Minister, in charge of the Shrine, to

A lawyer who has published video of torture in the Yaroslavl prison, left Russia

A lawyer who has published video of torture in the Yaroslavl prison, left Russia She also asked about gothamite for themselves and their families. Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU — the Lawyer of one of the prisoners in the Yaroslavl prison, published a video with the torture of his client, had left Russia and had asked about Pro Bono, said on Monday the Fund “Public verdict”. “Defender of the victim of torture in prison № 1 of Yaroslavl Evgeny Makarov, the lawyer of the Fund “Public verdict” Irina Biryukova left the country and appealed to the authorities of the Russian Federation for state protection for himself and his family”, — stated in the message Fund. Biryukov on Monday confirmed to Interfax that left Russia. Published on defenders of video 18, prison conditions, torture fettered by handcuffs of a prisoner. Earlier in the regional TFR reported that established the identity of all

Six members of the Yaroslavl colony was delayed for videos of torture

Six members of the Yaroslavl colony was delayed for videos of torture Six employees of correctional facility No. 1 in Yaroslavl arrested after posting video of the brutal beating of a prisoner, informs on Monday regional Department of the RF IC. YAROSLAVL, July 23 — RIA Novosti. “Established the identity of all employees of the correctional colony, who took part in the beating of a prisoner. Today arrested six people,” — said in a release. The investigation will demand to conclude the captors into custody. Turn the apprehension of the remaining suspects, the relevant activities continue. Video of beating of a prisoner by prison guards last week published “Novaya Gazeta”. According to her, the incident occurred in June last year in penal colony No. 1 in Yaroslavl. The Federal penitentiary service later confirmed the time and place of events recorded in the video. Criminal case about excess of powers of

FSB liquidated the channel of supply of arms from the European Union

FSB liquidated the channel of supply of arms from the European Union The FSB reported on the operation for the destruction of the channel of deliveries of firearms from EU countries to the territory of Russia. MOSCOW, 23 Jul — RIA Novosti. “FSB of Russia together with Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia and Regardie suppressed the activity of the interregional criminal group from among the residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl, was involved in the organization of the channel of deliveries of firearms from the EU to the Russian Federation”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the detainees seized: 380 firearms of domestic and foreign production. Among them — 25 machine guns, 30 guns, 70 machine pistols, 94 carbines, rifles and shotguns, 158 pistols and revolvers, two anti-tank guns. Security forces also found a 45-mm infantry mortars, heavy machine-automatic grenade launcher “AGS-17”, improvised explosive device,

At least nine people were injured in shooting in Toronto, Canada

At least nine people were injured in shooting in Toronto, Canada Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU — the Shooter killed himself, his motives are not yet clear. In a shooting in Toronto — the largest city of Canada — nine people were injured, local media reported. Something is going on around here (Pape and Danforth). Be careful out there. #Greektown #Danforth pic.twitter.com/cyWAAOT4h0 — Dani Stover (@danigray) 23 Jul 2018 The man opened fire on the street in the urban district, Greektown, and then shot himself. Nine people injured, including one child, according to the. According to some media sources, before you commit suicide attacker opened fire on arriving at the scene of the incident to the police. The name of the person and other details are not given.

Employee TsNIIMash accused passing classified information to NATO countries

Employee TsNIIMash accused passing classified information to NATO countries Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU — researcher of the Central research Institute of machine building (TsNIIMash) 74-year-old Victor Kudryavtsev accused of transferring classified information about hypersonic technologies, one of the countries of NATO, said Monday the newspaper “Kommersant” citing its sources. “According to a source “” in law enforcement, Mr. Kudryavtsev “charged with transferring classified information about the technologies used in the development of hypersonic vehicles, one of the NATO countries”,” the article reads. The source publication added that “subsequently these data were provided to explore the secret services of the Alliance”. He accused the prosecution, according to the newspaper, does not recognize. In TsNIIMash information about the progress of the case has not yet commented, “Roscosmos” limited to only what confirmed the arrest of the scientist, writes “Kommersant”. On Friday, law enforcement officers in a criminal case of treason carried out

About half of the “White helmets” are unable to evacuate from Syria

About half of the “White helmets” are unable to evacuate from Syria Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU More than 400 members of the organization “White helmets” and their families were evacuated from Syria to Jordan, announced the foreign Ministry of Jordan. Permission for their subsequent move to Germany, the UK and Canada have confirmed the authorities of these countries. Jordan has agreed to accept 800 persons for a period not exceeding three months. Other members of the organization are unable to reach the border and go to Jordan due to the situation on the ground. In the area of the Syrian government forces are advancing on the positions of the terrorist organization ISIS (banned in Russia), reported by the media. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a statement said that the President of the United States Donald trump and the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau “a few days ago,” approached him

What famous White helmets

What famous White helmets File. In 2012, on the territory of Syria outside the control of government forces, began working group of rescuers-volunteers. In 2014, they were United in a humanitarian organization “Syrian civil defense” (CDF), known under the name of “White helmets”. According to the organization, in Syria in its ranks now consist of more than 3 thousand people, more than 200 died during rescue operations. On the website of the “White helmets”, volunteers managed to rescue about 115 thousand people, however, experts have suspected CDF of falsification of videos on the rescue of the victims. In 2016, the White helmets got specproj Ministers of France and Germany, and in 2017 the award “Oscar” was awarded to the film about the organization. On the financing of the “White helmets” have informed the authorities of the USA, UK and Canada. On may 4 the US state Department announced the termination

The dog opened the Luggage compartment of the aircraft when approaching Moscow

The dog opened the Luggage compartment of the aircraft when approaching Moscow Moscow. July 22. INTERFAX.RU — a Small dog provoked the opening of a Luggage compartment of a passenger aircraft on approach to Moscow, the liner had to put extra, reported “Interfax” a source in the services of the airport “Sheremetyevo”. “On the approach to Moscow, the commander of the Boeing 737 from St. Petersburg reported the alarm is triggered opening of the Luggage compartment, the aircraft was at an altitude of about 4,000 meters. The crew successfully performed an emergency landing, nobody was hurt,” — said the source. NewsThrough the barriers: the child over the fence playing with the neighbor’s dog (video) Ground services, urgently directed to the airliner after landing, confirmed the opening of the rear fold of the liner. “During the inspection of the Luggage compartment revealed that the small dog wasn’t locked properly in the