Drone saved a drowning woman in Spain

Drone saved a drowning woman in Spain MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. Woman, swept away by the current in the sea off the coast of Spain, saved by a drone. Footage of camera mounted on the drone, was posted on YouTube. The incident occurred near the Spanish town of Sagunto on the Mediterranean coast. To help the woman that she could not return to shore, rescue workers used a drone. The operator of the drone had sent him to the injured, bringing her and support her life jacket. Thanks to this woman was able to survive on the water before the arrival of rescuers on jet skis. They pulled the victim to the beach in tow. See also: Police new Jersey saved from the flood, the bride in her wedding day Headlines from rescuers in Stavropol Krai funny Russians During the download an error has occurred.

In the case of “VIM-Avia” no fraud

In the case of “VIM-Avia” no fraud Top managers of the airline was accused of abuse and the withdrawal of funds abroad. As it became known “Kommersant”, the main investigatory management of investigatory Committee of Russia (GSU SKR) was charged in the final version three former top managers of the company “VIM-Avia” bankrupt last fall. If initially they were accused of especially large fraud against the passengers, it is now affected by the actions of the airline was airport companies, banks and government agencies, which he owes billions of rubles. GSU SKR has finished the basic investigation of loud criminal case about fraud and abuse once one of the largest airlines “VIM-Avia”, which is currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. On Friday, investigators GSU indicted in the final three defendants in the investigation. Depending on the role each of them the former General Director of “VIM-Avia” Alexander Kochnev, Vice President Alevtina Kalashnikova

In Surgut because of the accident there was the oil lake

In Surgut because of the accident there was the oil lake In Surgut (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra) there was an oil spill. On Friday, August 17, reports TASS citing a source in the emergency services of the region. According to the source, the leak occurred on the area of 8,6 thousand square meters. “No fire, the elimination of deals with the company “Surgutneftegas””, — he added. The amount of oil spilled was not specified.

Media reported about the possible seizure of the tanker by Somali pirates

Media reported about the possible seizure of the tanker by Somali pirates The ship was controlled by the Georgian-Russian crew of 19 people. Moscow. August 17. INTERFAX.RU — the fourth days there is no communication with the tanker “Panteley” under the Panama flag, in which crew of 17 citizens of Georgia and two citizens of Russia, have confirmed the TV company “Imedi” Georgian foreign Ministry. “Communication with the tanker broke off the coast of West Africa, near the Gulf of Guinea. The Georgian foreign Ministry is in constant contact with the Greek owner of the vessel to ascertain all the circumstances”, — said the foreign Ministry. In conversation with journalists of the “Imedi” Georgian intermediary, a representative of the company “Ialkani” did not rule out that the ship was hijacked by Somali pirates.

In Chile detained a possible author calls about bombs in airplanes

In Chile detained a possible author calls about bombs in airplanes MEXICO city, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. Chilean law enforcement agencies detained in the night of Friday, the alleged author of calls about the alleged bombs in the planes of the two national airlines, according to the portal 24 Horas. Total affected 11 flights carriers Latam and Sky both inside Chile and abroad. One plane was forced to make an emergency landing. According to preliminary data, the suspect 29-year-old man was arrested in Antofagasta and has already been delivered to Santiago. The motive for his action could be revenge for the loss of a suitcase during the flight, the portal says. Arose a tense situation in the whole industry led to the arrest of another man at the airport in Santiago, the publication adds. A man passing through a security framework, apparently jokingly told the man that his hand

TFR will verify the information on the abandoned police station with passports

TFR will verify the information on the abandoned police station with passports Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow to check the information about the abandoned police Department and the Federal migration service (was abolished in 2016, and entered the Ministry of internal Affairs) with documents and passports, told “Kommersant” in the Ministry. By results of check the procedural decision will be made. According to “Kommersant”, most likely, a criminal case of negligence (article 293 of the criminal code of Russia). The test also has the Metropolitan police Department. The blogger Lana Sator has published in Instagram pictures of the abandoned police Department and the FMS. In the building in Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya street stored documents, passports and criminal and administrative cases. “A tremendous amount of abandoned documents — statements with copies of various certificates, boxes of old internal and foreign passports of citizens of Moscow, criminal and administrative

“The new newspaper” driver killed in CAR of Russian journalists were allegedly told that they had weapons

“The new newspaper” driver killed in CAR of Russian journalists were allegedly told that they had weapons Russian “Novaya Gazeta” has at its disposal the transcript of the conversation with the driver dead in the CAR of Russian journalists Bienvenu Nuvolari. The newspaper published excerpts from it on August 17. According to “Novaya Gazeta”, Nguoimau communicated an unnamed journalist of the local newspaper Palmares Centrafrique. While “New” is “serious doubt” to the information received: according to the editorial, a transcript of the conversation “is a classic example of mixing facts and intentional lies.” The newspaper says that the evidence Nuvolari together with other materials distributes editor Palmares Centrafrique. He asks €500-1000. In early August, Palmares Centrafrique wrote that Rastorguev, Jamal and Radchenkov killed after interrogation. This information is not officially confirmed. Journalists of “New” also note multiple inconsistencies (in particular, temporary) in the story Nuvolari. From the testimony of the

The actor from “the meeting Place cannot be changed” was bleeding in the brain

The actor from “the meeting Place cannot be changed” was bleeding in the brain In St. Petersburg was urgently hospitalized actor Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev. On Friday, August 17, according to 78.ru. According to a source, the actor is in the intensive care unit of the neurosurgery Department at the Elisabeth hospital. As the Leonov-Gladyshev is estimated as heavy. It is noted that the actor was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage. On the eve of the 66-year-old Leonov-Gladyshev had the operation. Yevgeny Leonov — Gladyshev — people’s artist of Russia. He has played in such movies and series as “the meeting Place cannot be changed”, “Front without flanks”, “Front behind enemy lines”, “stopping power”.

Scouts failed technology

Scouts failed technology What are the gaps in the work of the CIA found by Chinese intelligence. Chinese spies have identified gaps in the work of the CIA and shared them with Russia, the newspaper writes Foreign Policy citing sources. According to journalists, now the US intelligence Agency is forced to change the way they work. All the details of the scandal — Lily Ponomareva, Anastasia Roizman. This story is called the largest intelligence failure of the United States: two years in China have been arrested and killed dozens of American spies, almost completely destroyed the entire network of agents. But as the government of China failed to disclose the employees of one of the most secret services of the world? That is the betrayal of one of them, of negligence or a banal leakage of information? As found by the special Commission created at the FBI and CIA, a

The crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin” stopped two attempts of illegal entry into the ship

The crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin” stopped two attempts of illegal entry into the ship The crew of the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin”, blocked in the port of Kherson, stopped two attempts of illegal entry into the ship, the report said the operator of the vessel LLC “V. F. Tanker”. “On 16 August at 13:30 a group of six persons who introduced themselves as employees of the security Service (SBU) and the State border service of Ukraine, tried to get on the ship with the intention to verify, without explaining its objectives and without presenting documents. On the ship the group was not allowed”, — is spoken in the message. After that, says the company, the tanker arrived, a group of people who introduced themselves as environmentalists, consisting of 11 people. “”Ecologists”, a paper was presented on the basis of which was supposed to carry out checks on observance of