At the Nizhny Novgorod plant, where the explosion occurred, has repeatedly revealed violations

At the Nizhny Novgorod plant, where the explosion occurred, has repeatedly revealed violations Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU — Supervisory and regulatory agencies in 2015, has repeatedly found violations during inspections of the plant Sverdlov near Nizhny Novgorod, where on Friday the cotton claimed the lives of at least three workers. Upstairs As follows from the system data “SPARK” of violations during inspections of enterprises were founded in 2015. Then an unscheduled inspection in October showed 30 violations, among which was the claim about the lack of buildings, equipment, warning system and evacuation management of people during fire. Then the violation was identified during a planned inspection in may and unscheduled — in October 2016. In October 2017 unscheduled inspection of the newly revealed 30 violations, including lack of separate facilities for automatic fire alarm and fire fighting, and use finishing materials to the insufficient level of fire resistance.

Three people were killed in the explosion at the factory near Nizhny Novgorod

Three people were killed in the explosion at the factory near Nizhny Novgorod Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU — the Explosion occurred at the plant. Sverdlov in the Nizhny Novgorod region, according to preliminary data, has died. Upstairs As reported “Interfax” a source in the ambulance service in the region, three people were killed, three were injured. According to the source, the incident occurred at the plant. Sverdlov during the production of explosives.

Employees of the Kazan colony arrested for the use of the sticks

Employees of the Kazan colony arrested for the use of the sticks The TFR is investigating a new case of torture in prison. Upstairs In the Kazan corrective colony (IK) № 18 on charges of torture of prisoners, on 27 August detained operatives companies captain Lenar Gasow and the senior Lieutenant Andrey Semenov. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), they beat the prisoners, including using wooden sticks. In the near future the consequence will petition for custody of operatives into custody. His guilt they do not recognize. On Thursday investigatory management (SOU) SKR across Tatarstan has informed on detention of the employees of the operative Department of fku IK-18 of the Republican Department of the Federal penitentiary service 30-year-old captain of the internal service lenara Gaiazova and senior Lieutenant Andrei Semenov. They were charged under part 3 St. 286 UK RF (exceeding official powers with use of violence).

Kemerovo fire have revealed the value attitude to work

Kemerovo fire have revealed the value attitude to work The social network got the results of the examination of Sergei Genin. Upstairs Experts of the Moscow Institute of psychiatry named after the Serbian, who examined the Kemerovo fire, concluded that, despite the fact that after the arrest of Sergei Genin turned to the psychiatrist, signs of mental disorders had not revealed. They noted his “value attitude to work” and the ability to react in extreme situations. Experts of the Moscow Serbsky Institute who conducted a comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric examination of the chief of the guard Kemerovo firefighting and rescue unit № 2 by Sergei Genin, made a conclusion about his sanity. Examination of the data “b” provided the group administrator support firefighters “Firefighters are NOT to blame!” the social network “Vkontakte” Nataliya Lugansk. Sergei Genin — the defendant in a criminal case about a fire in shopping center

In Novosibirsk caught fire regional hospital

In Novosibirsk caught fire regional hospital Moscow. August 30. INTERFAX.RU — Regional clinical hospital on fire in Novosibirsk on Thursday, have informed “Interfax” in the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the region. Upstairs “Received a signal about the fire. The fire is assigned an increased number of complexity. Carry out evacuation of staff and patients,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The area and nature of the fire is being clarified, he added.

Death and a prison of ice: what ended the hunt of the canadian Inuit?

Death and a prison of ice: what ended the hunt of the canadian Inuit? Three hunters from the settlement of Inuit Naujaat the canadian territory of Nunavut in the Arctic circle hunted narwhals and caribou (North American reindeer), when they were attacked by a white bear with a cub. Upstairs One hunter looked up immediately, the other two escaped with minor injuries. However, the tragedy is not over. Icebergs blocked the coast, where they hunted, the Inuit, and they are unable to go to sea to return home. In addition, the boat showed a technical problem. Waiting for rescue, they set up camp and for three days they slept in turns, as their temporary shelter was surrounded by other bears. The body of a dead comrade was with them all the time. After the men did not return in time for hunting, search-and-rescue team really went in search of them

In Primorye, the prisoner brought the inmates to suicide

In Primorye, the prisoner brought the inmates to suicide In Primorsky Krai, the convict was accused of incitement to suicide of their fellow inmates. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Committee for the region. Upstairs The investigators found that the defendant systematically beat the victim and demanded money from them. In result because of “constant humiliation of human dignity” two convicts committed suicide. Criminal case with the approved Prosecutor indictment was sent to court for consideration on the merits. Also IC interested in the lack of proper control by prison administration. On 16 August the office of the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) of the Yaroslavl region organized a check on the fact of suicide of a prisoner in the penal colony number 2 in Rybinsk; two more prisoners there staged a suicide attempt. On 15 August, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on

Unknown in Dagestan opened fire on police and disappeared

Unknown in Dagestan opened fire on police and disappeared Law enforcement officers were hospitalized with injuries of moderate severity, to their life threatens nothing. Upstairs MAKHACHKALA, August 29. /TASS/. Unknown in Dagestan opened fire on police, who asked him to produce documents, two employees were injured. This was reported TASS the press service of the interior Ministry in the region. “Two employees were injured, this happened in the village Motorbike Khasavyurt district. Police saw a suspicious man and asked to produce documents, then the unknown opened fire from the weapon of an unspecified sample at the police and fled in an unknown direction,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Law enforcement officers were hospitalized with injuries of moderate severity. “Police officers received injuries of moderate severity and was admitted to the hospital. To their life threatens nothing”, — said the press service.

On staged a fight on the flight Moscow-Dushanbe rowdy opened a criminal case

On staged a fight on the flight Moscow-Dushanbe rowdy opened a criminal case Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU Traffic investigators have opened a criminal case on hooliganism against the brawler who started a fight and threatened to detonate a bomb on Wednesday at a flight Moscow-Dushanbe, reported “Interfax” the representative of the Moscow inter-regional management on transport SK of Russia Elena Markov. Upstairs “The investigative bodies of the Moscow interregional investigative management on transport of SK of Russia brought criminal case on signs of the crime under paragraph “b” of part 1 of article 213 of the criminal code (hooliganism committed on air transport),” — said Markov. According to investigators, on Wednesday evening during the execution of the flight, the airline “Ural airlines” the message “Moscow — Dushanbe” one of the passengers began to behave very inappropriately, and after the flight attendant reprimanded him, he rose from the chair and went

Broke arm. Cameras filmed the attack of a lion on the trainer of the Moscow circus

Broke arm. Cameras filmed the attack of a lion on the trainer of the Moscow circus MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. The trainer of the Great Moscow circus and a member of the world circus festival “Idol-2018” Alexey Makarenko was attacked by a lion. UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. The incident occurred on August 27 in the end of the rehearsal, when the raptors left the arena. The animals have to go one by one and in sequence, but one of the lions chased the other. To prevent fights, trainers blocked his way. The lion immediately pounced on Makarenko. The trainer received a hand injury, but now his health is not threatened. View this post in Instagram Publication of the Great Moscow circus (@greatcircus_ru) 29 August 2018 at 4:16 PDT During the download an error has occurred.