The ex-lawyer of the “gang GTA” was convicted of stealing money from fortune-tellers

The ex-lawyer of the “gang GTA” was convicted of stealing money from fortune-tellers Lawyer Abubakar Manaev sentenced to 3 years in prison for attempting to steal 10 million rubles from the defendant fortune tellers Nonna Mihai passing on the case of “Nota-Bank”. By words a press-the Secretary of Hamovnichesky court of Moscow Olga Myshelovki, decision adopted on 27 August. Upstairs Due to the fact that the lawyer admitted his guilt and repented, the matter was considered in a special order, reports TASS. Manayeu was detained and arrested in mid-may. The investigation established that he promised Mihai for money consideration of the case in a special order and appointment of punishment in the form of probation. On 14 may he received from the teller half of the agreed amount. Previously, Mann represented the interests of one of the members of the “gang GTA”, committed a series of murders of drivers on

In Japanese the kinki region was hit by Typhoon “Jebi”

In Japanese the kinki region was hit by Typhoon “Jebi” TOKYO, September 4 — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. Typhoon “Jebe”, which, according to experts, was the most powerful in the last quarter of a century, struck the kinki region, where are located the major cities of Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto, is partially or completely stopped the movement of trains, interruptions in electricity and telecommunications, reports of ripped off roofs, uprooted trees and floods. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In the area of residence of the correspondent of RIA Novosti in the Osaka Nishi-ku the wind speed currently is about 15 meters per second. The streets, which at this time of night is usually flooded with Housewives rushing to the evening of discounts at grocery stores, office workers, the working day which ends a little earlier than most, and returning from educational institutions, children and adolescents, is now completely deserted. During the download an error

Media: in France, the robbers robbed of Russians worth up to $1 million

Media: in France, the robbers robbed of Russians worth up to $1 million MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. Unknown robbed the Russian tourists, when they left the airport in the Paris suburb of the commune of Le Bourget, the sum of the damage amounts to a million dollars, according to radio station Europe1. Upstairs According to the radio, the incident occurred on Monday at 22.30 local time (23.30 GMT). Three Russian tourists, who arrived from nice, left the airport by car, when they blocked the path of the car with the attackers wearing masks. The unknown took three suitcases, a shoulder bag and mobile phones. The driver of the car that was rented by the tourists tried to take a photo of the robbers but they took his phone and fled the scene. The victims appealed to the police. According to preliminary data, the amount of the stolen goods,

TFR interviewed the driver killed in CAR of Russian journalists

TFR interviewed the driver killed in CAR of Russian journalists The staff of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) during his visit to the Central African Republic (CAR) has studied the materials of a criminal investigation about the death of three Russians — operator Kirill Radchenko, Director Alexander Rastorguev and journalist Orhan Jemal. As informs SKR, Russian investigators examined the car, which transported journalists, and questioned their driver. Upstairs “With the participation of the staff of the Investigative Committee additionally examined the car in which they moved, re-interviewed the driver of the vehicle, viewed the physical evidence. Additional data will be subjected to comprehensive analysis and evaluation with a view to a detailed reconstruction of the circumstances of a particularly serious crime committed against the citizens of Russia”, — said in the TFR. The Agency agreed with law enforcement CAR to transfer the criminal case “for further investigation to a

On Sakhalin island awaiting a hurricane and heavy rain due to Typhoon “Jebi”

On Sakhalin island awaiting a hurricane and heavy rain due to Typhoon “Jebi” YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, September 4 — RIA Novosti. Typhoon “Gabi” will bring heavy rain and a hurricane on the morning of the environment on the Sakhalin, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday in the regional Department of Roshydromet. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +20° 68% 758 mm Hg. article 3 m/s “In the morning and Wednesday in the South of Sakhalin expected heavy rain and South wind up to 25-30 m/s, gusts of up to hurricane 33-38 km/h,” explained the weatherman island. According to the regional Department of EMERCOM of Russia, a storm warning announced on Wednesday in 17 municipalities of Sakhalin and the Kurils. “Gabi” will bypass only the North-Kuril region. “The government of the region on Wednesday held a meeting of Commission on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. The meeting identified arising from the passage of cyclone

Due to the Typhoon in Japan canceled more than 600 flights

Due to the Typhoon in Japan canceled more than 600 flights Moscow. September 4. INTERFAX.RU More than 600 domestic flights cancelled in Japan due to an approaching on the West coast of Typhoon Jebi, said on Tuesday the Agency Associated Press. Upstairs It is expected that in the coming hours the hurricane will reach the coast of Honshu. Meteorologists reported that wind speed at the epicenter is 160 km per hour with gusts up to 215 km per hour. On the coast is already hit by heavy rains and Gale-force winds, predicted wave height can reach 12 meters. Typhoon #Jebi is making landfall in #Japan, bringing damaging winds, torrential rain, stormy seas and the risk of coastal flooding. There’s recently been a 92 mph gust at Nankishirahama Airport on the south coast of Honshu — Met Office (@metoffice) on 4 September 2018. Suspended the movement of trains between Hiroshima

The police checks the information about the murder of 12 cats show theater in Blagoveshchensk

The police checks the information about the murder of 12 cats show theater in Blagoveshchensk BLAGOVESHCHENSK, September 4. /TASS/. Law enforcement authorities are checking on the fact of publications about the murder in Blagoveshchensk 12 cats of show-theatre “Consisting of”. On Tuesday told TASS head of information and public relations of regional Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs Inna Kartashova. Upstairs In the media appeared information that on the night of September 3, unknown has entered the territory of the Annunciation show-theater “Kotovasiya” and killed 12 cats, located in a special cage. Among the suspects are teenagers, with whom the members of the theater the day before the incident of the conflict occurred. “According to the information placed in the media and the Internet [about the death of cats] police of Blagoveshchensk checks”, — said Kartashov.

Posted by on Russian attacked live

Posted by on Russian attacked live MOSCOW, 3 sen— news. In Donetsk on the Russian war correspondent and author of the project WarGonzo Seeds Pegova attacked by an unknown assailant during a live broadcast of the program “Time will tell” on the First channel. Upstairs The journalist was covering from the self-proclaimed DND. In turn it pushed out of the frame dressed in camouflage man. Pegova managed to evade and to continue the dialogue with the leading by Artem Caninum. At the same time on the background and a fight ensued. Wow! On Pegova during the live broadcast of a military attack… — Zurab (@AZZurabAZ) 3 Sep 2018 “Everything is fine. It was a provocation, absolutely inadequate person in the form. But the guys now took him away,” — commented on the incident, posted by. Answering the question Scheinin, the journalist said that after the murder of the head

The FSB has sent experts to the Donbass to participate in the investigation of the murder Zakharchenko

The FSB has sent experts to the Donbass to participate in the investigation of the murder Zakharchenko Moscow. September 3. INTERFAX.RU — FSB is ready to help in investigation of murder of the head of DND Alexander Zakharchenko, and has written in the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic for its employees. Upstairs “The specialists are already working,” — said “Interfax” on Monday the head of the service for operational information and international communications of the FSB Sergei Conversation. He stated that the murder involved Zakharchenko Ukrainian security services. “The involvement of the Ukrainian security services we… we think it’s definitely the case,” said Conversation. Zakharchenko and another man died the evening of August 31 in the explosion at the cafe “Separable” in the center of Donetsk. Injured was hospitalized, the Finance Minister DND Alexander Timofeev. The acting head of the DNI Dmitry Trapeznikov has said at a briefing that the explosion

Financing terrorists in Syria have dropped by nearly 90% over four years

Financing terrorists in Syria have dropped by nearly 90% over four years Moscow. September 3. INTERFAX.RU — Financial flows to support terrorists in Syria have dropped by nearly 90% in 2014, said the head of the service for operational information and international communications of the FSB Sergei Conversation. Upstairs “In 2014, the terrorists of ISIL (banned in the Russian organization) received about $3 billion To date, fighters manage to get $200-300 million a year,” he said, speaking Monday at the international conference “Combating illegal arms transfers in the context of the fight against international terrorism.” The conversation noted that the reduction of funding for terrorists due to loss of taxable territories, the profits from the sale of petroleum products. According to him, in the context of the displacement of a part of the terrorists in Afghanistan, the FSB predicts that some channels of drug trafficking be taken by them under