Food and medicine delivered to detained in South Korea, the Russian ship “Palladium”

Food and medicine delivered to detained in South Korea, the Russian ship “Palladium” Moscow. September 8. INTERFAX.RU — the Crew detained in the South Korean port of Pusan to the Russian ship “Palladium” has received food and medicines, the lack of which is complained sailors, Chairman of the far Eastern regional organization of the Russian trade Union of seamen (DVRO rpsm) Nikolay Sukhanov. Upstairs “The message came from the ship “Palladium”, one of the crew members reported that thanks to the media and coverage of issues arising on the ship, on Board delivered products of 20 days. The Russian Consul has taken the necessary medication,” said Sukhanov. Sailors continues to poll the South Korean police banned the crew ashore, he added. Earlier this week, the sailors said that the vessel end products, hygiene products, medicines. As reported, last week the coast guard of South Korea have detained the Russian ship

Media: in Turkey in an accident with a bus killed six people

Media: in Turkey in an accident with a bus killed six people TASS, 8 Sep. /TASS/ — Also reported 39 victims. Upstairs At least six people were killed and 39 were injured in a traffic accident with a bus that took place on the route Aksaray — Ankara in Turkey. On Saturday said channel NTV. According to him, the bus was EN route from Istanbul to Adıyaman in the Southeast of Turkey. As noted, in the area of the accident sent medical and fire brigade. Rescue operation at the scene continues. Earlier it was reported about the death of four people. On the causes of the accident information has yet been received, pending a full investigation of the incident.

Georgia extradited to the US a suspect in the hacking Russian

Georgia extradited to the US a suspect in the hacking Russian Moscow. September 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Georgian Authorities conducted the extradition to the US of Russian Andrey Tyurin, the American side suspected of causing significant damage to the hacker attacks, said on Friday the United States secret service. Upstairs “Today, the secret service, in coordination with the FBI and the US attorney General’s office, announce the extradition of a Russian hacker who is responsible for the largest theft of consumer data in the entire history of American financial institutions”, — stated in a press release this structure. The document notes that we are talking about 35-year resident of Moscow Andrei Tyurin. He was extradited from Georgia. The secret service noted that the Russian is already in new York, later on Friday he will appear before the magistrate. The consideration of his case in court, as planned, will begin on

The bus nearly demolished the house that survived the Great fire of London

The bus nearly demolished the house that survived the Great fire of London The building will try to save. Upstairs In the British capital bus crashed into a unique building that survived the Great fire of London. Bus crashes into the only building that survived the Great Fire of London on the Strand — Metro (@MetroUK) 7 September 2018 The house, which is now a Thai restaurant, brought in security lists like the only building on the strand that survived the disastrous fire of 1666. It burned 13,500 houses, 87 churches, most of the government buildings. The fire was deprived of shelter 70 thousand people, out of a population of Central London in 80 thousand. The strand is a street in Central London, which connects the districts of Westminster and the city. It starts at Trafalgar square. Bus crashes into the only building that survived the Great Fire of

The Moscow city court reduced a two-year sentence the former head of Rosgranitsa

The Moscow city court reduced a two-year sentence the former head of Rosgranitsa MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. The Moscow city court reduced the sentence to the former Director of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov, sentenced to nine years for stealing almost 500 million rubles, reported RIA Novosti his lawyer Boris Kozhemyakin. Upstairs The decision of the appellate court took, counting the time spent by him in custody during investigation and trial, based the day in jail for one and a half in prison. “My client was detained for four years in connection with the conversion, they are considered as six years,” the lawyer explained. Thus, Bezdelov left to serve another three years. “He already has the right to ask for parole, but that it needs to send to the colony, it is necessary to wait for the characteristics, and so forth,” — said Kozhemyakin.

Telegraph: suspected of poisoning Skrobala called the businessmen for obtaining a visa

Telegraph: suspected of poisoning Skrobala called the businessmen for obtaining a visa LONDON, September 7. /TASS/. The suspects in the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was posing as businessmen from St. Petersburg to obtain visas to enter the UK. On Friday told the newspaper the Daily Telegraph with reference to sources from the security of the UK. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий On Wednesday, the head of the British government, Theresa may informed the Parliament about the findings of the investigation on the incident in Salisbury, stating that the attempted Skrobala two Russians suspected that the British intelligence agencies believe GRU agents. According to the British investigation, they came to the United Kingdom with Russian passports under the names Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. The publication’s source claims that the suspects told the British authorities about their activities in the field of international trade and provided the

Food security called for reinforcements for the detention of the first grader

Food security called for reinforcements for the detention of the first grader In Tomsk, a 7-year-old girl came to the shop to buy sweets and forgot to pay for a Lollipop, has reported “Interfax” an informed source. Upstairs “After that, the internal security of the store, despite the child’s desire to pay for the candy, called the rapid response team (RRT),” — said the Agency interlocutor. The child was released only after the appearance of her mother, who tearfully persuaded the guards to leave the girl alone. According to a source, the incident occurred on Friday morning in the shop “Apricot” on the street Yakovlev. Arrived at the UIR officers were very surprised about the call. In November of last year, 10-year-old boy became a prisoner of the security guard of a supermarket in Rostov-on-don. Security officer suspected of child who went around the room and ran to the school,

Journey Petrov and Bashirova

Journey Petrov and Bashirova What questions to investigate the poisoning Skrobala. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Two Russian spies and poison in a perfume bottle Nina Ricci London told who and how, according to his version, he was poisoned Skrobala. Scotland Yard not only named names and showed photos of the suspects, but the minute painted their movement within the UK. However, matters to this story even more. The details of the spy scandal was dealt with Ivan Koryakin. On March 2, three hours a day, two days before the poisoning Skrypali: from Gatwick airport leave two in the jackets, pass under the cameras and get on a train to London — is Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, says Scotland Yard. At least these names written in their Russian passports, but the police does not exclude that they are fictional. But why would Russia send security personnel with national passports? The Colonel of KGB

Nina Ricci and spy scandal

Nina Ricci and spy scandal As poison can bring in a bottle from-under spirits. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Deadly poison is a perfume: “Skrypalia” there are new questions. The police published photos of the vessel — it was supposedly the poison that poisoned the former GRU Colonel and his daughter. This is a bottle of a popular perfume by Nina Ricci, but made it homemade, as explained by experts of the perfume company. As in the vessel from under the spirits could carry the poison? About it — in the material Anastasia Parfyonov and Elena Ivanova. List fotolik Scotland Yard she stands out a little pink box, perfume bottle Nina Ricci. Just five inches tall — easy to conceal in the hand, and customs is unlikely to cause issues. The perfect container of deadly poison, says one of the creators of “the Rookie” Vladimir Uglev: If everything is normal made treated surface after

The Prosecutor General’s office of the DNI was considered unlawful purpose Trapeznikov, acting head of the Republic

The Prosecutor General’s office of the DNI was considered unlawful purpose Trapeznikov, acting head of the Republic Moscow. September 7. INTERFAX.RU — Prosecutor General’s office of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic considers illegitimate the appointment of the interim head of the DNI Dmitry Trapeznikov. Upstairs “Due to the death of the President of the Council of Ministers of the DNI comes the resignation of the Council of Ministers. Thus, since the death of the head of DND Alexander Zakharchenko, combining your post with the post of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the authority, the Vice-presidents of the Council of Ministers, including Dmitry Trapeznikov, are, and resignation. Thus, the only legitimate authority in Donetsk people’s Republic is the legislature — the national Council”, — is spoken in the representation of the acting Prosecutor General of DNR Andrey help to eliminate violations of the law released on Friday. According to