FSB detained in the Kuban Ukrainian spy

FSB detained in the Kuban Ukrainian spy In the Krasnodar region FSB officers detained a citizen of Ukraine, collecting information about located in the region of military facilities. The detainee was an employee of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU), reports “Interfax” with reference to the press service of the FSB in Kuban. The man was expelled from the Russian Federation. Upstairs “On the territory of Krasnodar region was opened by the SBU Sergey Stefanenko, who attempted to collect data on located on the territory of the Kuban military facilities and monitored the movement of military equipment and find out information on staffing of the defense Ministry”, — noted in a press-service UFSB. Newsof SBU detained “spies” with Russian symbols According to Russian authorities, Stefanenko came to Russia ostensibly for the purpose of employment and residence. The Ukrainian was declared the official warning about the inadmissibility of Commission of crime

In Transbaikalia the cleaning lady treated patients due to the shortage of doctors

In Transbaikalia the cleaning lady treated patients due to the shortage of doctors Cleaner obstetric points (FAP) in one of the villages in Zabaykalsky Krai treated patients while the paramedic was absent. About it reports the edition “Chita.Ru”. Upstairs By order of the Deputy chief doctor cleaner did the patients dressings and injections. The only nurse of the village at this time was in holiday. Learning of this, local residents appealed to the Prosecutor. In the leadership of the hospital made up a schedule by which doctors will be sent to work in the village, while the physician’s assistant comes back from the holidays. In addition, the Deputy the head physician, who gave the order to the cleaning lady, will attract disciplinary action. The prosecutors said they would seek a physician for more serious punishment. FAP are designed to ensure through settlements located far away from district hospitals. According to

The leader of the “Christian state” Kalinin was released from jail on his own recognizance

The leader of the “Christian state” Kalinin was released from jail on his own recognizance Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU — leader of the “Christian state” Alexander Kalinin, accused of forcing cinemas to refuse to show the movie “Matilda” and extremism, was released from custody, reported “Interfax” informed source. Upstairs “At the expiration of the period of detention, which ended on September 23, Kalinin was released from the detention center”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the investigator Kalinin was elected a measure of restraint in the form of subscriptions on parole and good behavior. The leader of the “Christian state” charged with four counts of being forced to abandon the transaction and inciting hatred or enmity. Currently, the investigation is completed, the protection gets acquainted with the case materials. NewsRacketeer-Director Kalinin was detained September 23, 2017 in the framework of the criminal case involving the forced film distributors

The father of the deceased from a dog bite girls in the Leningrad region killed a German shepherd with an axe

The father of the deceased from a dog bite girls in the Leningrad region killed a German shepherd with an axe St. PETERSBURG, September 24 — RIA Novosti. The father of the deceased from a dog bite girls in the Leningrad region killed a German shepherd with the axe, told RIA Novosti the representative of the press service of regional management SK. Upstairs Earlier, the SK reported that 9-year-old girl died from dog bite while playing in Priozersk district of Leningrad region. The Belgian shepherd dog attacked her, biting through the neck. The child died on the way to the hospital. The investigators found that the owner of a dog taken from a shelter, was a friend of the family invited for repair of electrical wiring, he left the dog without a muzzle in the yard. “When the child was handed over to the doctors, the father dealt with the

In the Iranian attack, looking for the American trail

In the Iranian attack, looking for the American trail The United States denied involvement in the attack in Ahvaz. Upstairs U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo called it “a huge mistake” Iran accusations in involvement of Washington to the terrorist attack in the city of Ahwaz. Earlier, Iranian authorities blamed the deaths on the military parade in Ahwaz on militants from Iraqi Kurdistan, which, according to Tehran, there are Gulf countries, USA and Israel. The spiritual leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei explained the attack by the US desire to “create insecurity” in the country. In response, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley advised the Iranian politicians to tackle the problems in the country, and Mike Pompeo reminded the main sponsor of terrorism in the United States believe Iran. When you have a home incident of a security breach, blaming others is a huge mistake.Mike Papulonecrotic USA

The court arrested the Deputy head of administration of head and government of Dagestan

The court arrested the Deputy head of administration of head and government of Dagestan MAKHACHKALA, September 23. /TASS/. The Soviet district court of Makhachkala on Sunday was arrested for 10 days, Deputy head of administration of head and government of the Republic of Dagestan Ismail Efendiyev, who was detained on suspicion of abuse of office. About TASS reported the press service of the court. Upstairs “Today, the Soviet district court of Makhachkala has chosen a measure of restraint Ismail Efendiyev in the form of detention for a period of 10 days before being charged,” — said the representative of the court. According to him, in case of charge time measure will be two months. September 22 law enforcement officers have detained Ismail Efendiyev on suspicion of abuse of office. As reported TASS citing a source in law enforcement bodies of the Republic, in respect of Efendiyeva, a criminal case under

A Russian citizen arrested in Norway on charges of espionage

A Russian citizen arrested in Norway on charges of espionage A Russian citizen was arrested in Norway on charges of espionage. On Sunday, September 23, reports Bloomberg with reference to the Norwegian news Agency (NTB). Upstairs The Russian was arrested on Friday near the Oslo airport. After the hearing in the local district court, he was placed in custody for a period of two weeks. A man suspected of espionage, which according to the Norwegian intelligence services he conducted in the Norwegian Parliament. He attended held in the legislative Assembly workshop on digitalization. Oslo police are continuing to investigate the circumstances of the incident involving the Russians, which happened in the Parliament after the seminar. The details of the incident were not disclosed. The seminar, which was attended by administrative officers 34 of the legislative assemblies of different countries, was held on 20 and 21 September. In March, the alleged

With the Russians recovered the cost of his stints

With the Russians recovered the cost of his stints Factory regional court of the eagle has agreed to the demands of the penal colony № 3 (IR-3) in the Kursk region, which filed a lawsuit against the convicted for compensation of costs for its maintenance. This was reported on the website of the court. Upstairs Representatives IR-3 stated that the man refused to work for offered him paid, although he has no reason (e.g., disability of group I or II or the granting of an illness). At the same time it provided food, clothes, hygiene products, he also provided utility services. During the period of serving sentence convicted on its content in total was spent 119,5 thousand rubles. The court granted the petition and explained that based on the requirements of the Criminal-Executive code of Russian Federation. “The mere fact of evasion from work entails laying on of the convicted

The daughter of a millionaire ate a sandwich and died in the plane

The daughter of a millionaire ate a sandwich and died in the plane The daughter of a British millionaire Nadim Adnan-La Perouse Natasha died on Board the flight London — nice after an attack of Allergy caused by eating an airport sandwich. On Sunday, September 23, reports The Daily Mail. Upstairs Before you Board a flight, British Airways, the girl bought a sandwich with olives, artichokes and tapenade in cafe chain Pret a Manger. Already on Board the plane she had a severe allergic reaction. Despite three doses of the medicine EpiPen, which imposed a 15-year-old Natasha, her father, the girl’s heart stopped. According to doctors, the reaction could cause the sesame seeds that were added to the bread when it is baking. Sesame is among the 14 allergens present in food, according to British law, the manufacturer must specify on the package. However, this requirement does not apply to

Media: plane American Delta Air Lines made an emergency landing in Japan

Media: plane American Delta Air Lines made an emergency landing in Japan TOKYO, September 23. /TASS/. Aircraft of the American company Delta Air Lines on Sunday made an emergency landing at Tokyo’s Narita airport. This was reported by the Agency Kyodo. Upstairs It is noted that a passenger plane EN route from Shanghai to Seattle, was forced to make an emergency landing in Tokyo due to a malfunction in the fuel supply. On Board were 220 passengers, information on victims did not arrive.