BOD “Admiral Levchenko” will become part of the Navy by the end of 2022

According to & nbsp; sources, the & nbsp; BOD main engines were repaired, cooling units and & nbs were replaced. > Also, onboard electronics and fire-fighting equipment were partially modernized on the ship. The modernization will allow to prolong the service life of one of the & nbsp; most active ships of the Northern Fleet for a long time, Izvestia sources noted. Also, according to & nbsp; interlocutors of the publication, the issue of installing the latest Russian anti-submarine complex “ Answer '' on the & nbsp; ship is being worked out. In & nbsp; December this year, the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov such a missile successfully hit an underwater target in the & nbsp; Sea of ​​Japan. “ Admiral Levchenko '' waited a long time for repair. He & nbsp; parked in the & nbsp; port of Severomorsk back in & nbsp; 2014. Before & nbsp; this, he & nbsp;

In Mexico, fish have learned to create a wave, protecting themselves from birds of prey

Observa cómo estos peces molly del Teapa (Poecilia sulphuraria) hacen una ola brillante para evitar el ataque de las aves. — Enrique Coperías (@CienciaDelCope) December 23, 2021 Researchers from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Germany studied rare molly del Teapa (Poecilia sulphuraria) fish living in sulfide springs in Mexico. During the observations, experts noticed a strange behavior of fish that had never been seen before. At certain moments, hundreds of thousands of fish gathered together and, like fans at the stadium, made a “Mexican wave” — they took turns diving and returning to their seats. Scientists have estimated that about four thousand fish or more can take part in such a wave. And the waves themselves are very fast, noticeable and rhythmic. At first, this behavior of fish confused scientists. But after studying this phenomenon, they came to the conclusion that in this

“The Good Shepherd.” A ring with one of the oldest images of Christ was discovered in Israel

The figure, apparently, symbolizes Jesus Christ, who in the Gospels calls himself “The Good Shepherd”. The ring was found among other artifacts discovered during the study of ships wrecked near the ancient port of Caesarea. Caesarea was home to one of the first Christian communities and, according to the New Testament, it was there that the Apostle Peter baptized the Roman centurion Cornelius. “This was the first time a non-Jew was accepted into the Christian community. From here Christianity began to spread all over the world,” says Jacob Sharvit from the Department of Marine Archaeology of the Israel Antiquities Authority. Among the remains of sunken ships, archaeologists also found figurines of the Roman era in the form of an eagle and a theater actor in a comic mask, bronze bells designed to protect against evil spirits, hundreds of silver and bronze Roman coins of the middle of the III century

US regulator approves Merck's COVID-19 drug

“Today, the FDA [fast track] issued an authorization for & nbsp; use in & nbsp; mdash conditions & nbsp; & nbsp; note TASS) molnupiravir [produced by the company] Merck for & nbsp; treatment of COVID-19 mild and & nbsp; moderate severity & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in & nbsp; the message. Earlier, the American regulator approved for the & nbsp; emergency use of the drug for the & nbsp; treatment of COVID-19 Paxlovid, developed by Pfizer.

Putin answered the question about the indexation of pensions above inflation

“The government of the Russian Federation will have to do everything to & nbsp; keep the promises of the past years. Until & nbsp; so far, we generally managed to do it, and & nbsp; we & nbsp; will definitely do it & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said, answering & nbsp; a question, will & nbsp; & nbsp; pensions in & nbsp; Russia be indexed at & nbsp; the actual level, and & nbsp; not & nbsp; planned inflation. According to him, next year, appropriate decisions will be made on the security bloc to equalize the incomes of people who work in law enforcement and security structures. Putin added. RBC asked for & nbsp; comments in the & nbsp; Ministry of Finance and & nbsp; Ministry of Labor. In & nbsp; in early December, the head of the Ministry of Labor Anton Kotyakov said that & nbsp; the

Scientists have learned that lighting can affect the taste of food

Researchers from Murray University, USA, conducted a series of experiments to find out whether indoor lighting affects the process of eating. Scientists conducted three experiments with 300 volunteers. In the first case, the participants ate chocolate, in the second — snacks that had a sweet or salty taste and differed in texture and consistency (raisins, cookies, cheese, chips), and in the third – the food was mixed (ordinary salted popcorn as a “simple meal” and a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly, which served as a “complex food”). In the first two experiments, participants ate either with darkened sunglasses or glasses with ordinary transparent lenses. And in the third experiment, the volunteers ate without glasses, but with dimmed lights. After completing all three experiments, participants were asked to rate the taste of food on a seven-point scale. After calculating the results, the scientists found that the taste sensations depend on the

“Saving the people is one of the most important tasks”

About & nbsp; economic outlook after the crisis caused by the covid “The whole world has been fighting the & nbsp; coronavirus infection. This fight continues. We & nbsp; know about the dangers of spreading omicron, a new strain. As you & nbsp; know, a group of our scientists is located in South Africa, where this strain was discovered. '' As for how this affected the Russian economy. We have already talked about this many times. Our economy, faced with the challenges of coronavirus infection and the necessary restrictions in the economy and the social sphere, nevertheless turned out to be more mobilized and ready for such shock events than the economies of other countries. “ The rate of economic decline was 3%, which is & nbsp; much lower than & nbsp; in & nbsp; many other developed countries. And & nbsp; we recovered much faster than & nbsp; other

Putin supported J.K. Rowling on new ethics

According to the & nbsp; Russian leader, in & nbsp; this question, he & nbsp; follows the traditional approach: & laquo; mdash & nbsp; this is a man, and & nbsp; woman & nbsp; & mdash; this is a woman. ” He also expressed the hope that society has internal moral protection dictated by the confessions of Russia. “ In the West, develop and & nbsp; & ldquo; be on the & nbsp; march & rdquo; & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; added & nbsp; he. Earlier, Rowling condemned the Scottish police's decision to call transgender rapists women. The Creator of Harry Potter shared a link to an & nbsp; article in the & nbsp; Times, & nbsp; which states that & nbsp; law enforcement agencies in Scotland will register rape men as women if they identify themselves that way. The writer commented on the news, recalling the lines from

Putin called the most important task for Russia

“Saving the people, about & nbsp; which [Alexander] Solzhenitsyn spoke about, is becoming, is one of the & nbsp; most important tasks and & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; growth drivers & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. & nbsp; we & nbsp; but & nbsp; hands are & nbsp; enough! & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; the head of state emphasized. In & nbsp; Russia from & nbsp; 15 & nbsp; October to & nbsp; 14 & nbsp; November 2021, the All-Russian Population Census was held. In & nbsp; this year, Russians could take part in the & nbsp; census not & nbsp; only in person by filling out a questionnaire with a & nbsp; census or at a stationary site, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; online on the & nbsp; Pavel Smelov said that 99% of the country's inhabitants took part in the

A 134-year-old time capsule was opened in the USA

?TIME CAPSULE: Here’s a closer look at the contents – which are three book, a cloth envelope and a coin. It appears there’s a printed page and photo stuck in the envelope. One of the books appears to be an almanac from 1875. @NBC12 — Desiree Montilla NBC12 (@desmontilla) December 22, 2021 In the American city of Richmond, Virginia, employees of the Department of Historical Resources, together with Governor Ralph Northam, opened a time capsule in 1887. The 134-year-old box was discovered in mid-December under the statue of General Robert E. Lee. It is reported that it took almost four hours to remove the box from the granite block. The opening of the capsule itself also took almost five hours. The fact is that the lead box itself is of interest to historians, and therefore specialists had to very carefully clean off rust and mortar from it so as