The UN has named Norway the country with the highest level of human development

The UN has named Norway the country with the highest level of human development

TASS, September 15. Norway, Switzerland and Australia were among the countries with the highest level of human development according to the UN. This is evidenced by the report on “Indices and indicators of human development”, published by the international organization on Friday.


In total, the report presents the ranking of 189 economies that were measured by four parameters: life expectancy, expected and mean years of schooling, the gross national product per capita.

The top ten also included Ireland, Germany, Iceland, Hong Kong, Sweden, Singapore and the Netherlands. The rating Niger, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Chad and Burundi. Russia was in 49th place, Belarus — on 53-m, Ukraine — 88.

The UN noted that many countries continue to develop rapidly.

“Of the 189 countries for which the calculated human development index (HDI), 59 countries are in the group very highly and only 38 countries belong to the group of low HDI. Eight years ago, in 2010, the ratio was 46 and 49 countries respectively”, — stated in the organization.

