The Colonel kept a bribe in the fridge
His ex-wife told about the hiding place, when he was already empty.
As it became known””, the surprise proof in the case of officials of the defense Ministry, accused of taking bribes in the amount of 648 million rubles, was available to GVSU Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The ex-wife of one of the arrested officers said that he could phone deals from merchants under government contracts, and kickbacks for their conclusion were hiding in the fridge.
A key witness in a major case of the bribes received, according to the Chief military investigation Department (GVSU) TFR, heads of food control of the Ministry of defense, was businessman Alexey Kalitin. Controlled commercial entities 2014-2017 signed with the defense Ministry about 40 contracts totaling more than 5 billion rubles.
Being under investigation for embezzlement of budget money (part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code), Mr. Kalitin pleaded guilty, giving in the framework of concluded with the Chief military Prosecutor’s office of the agreement of testimony about how, when, and how much money he gave directly or through intermediaries to the officials of the military Department.
If initially in his testimony it was a question of bribes in the amount of RUB 368 million, then it grew to 648 million
Thanks to his testimony he was arrested by the chief of preduprejdenie Colonel Alexander Berezhnoy, his subordinates — the chief of Department of technical support Colonel Alexander Vakulin, a senior expert of the Lieutenant Colonel Alexei grynyuk and the head of the auction Commission of the military Department civil servant Alexander Borovkov. Later went to jail and the chief of Department of carrying out of competitive procedures on the state order of Department of state procurement of the Ministry of defense Yuriy Reshetnikov and several businessmen-intermediaries.
Despite the fact that Mr. Borovkov confirmed the testimony of “sdelanyy” Kalitina, taking on several setochnykh episodes, the protection of the other accused officers continued to claim that both incriminated their clients under the pressure of the investigation and operational services.