On pension reform, commended 77 regions

On pension reform, commended 77 regions

Moscow. July 16. INTERFAX.RU — the government bill on changes in pension legislation came from 77 regions, among them negative no. This was stated by “Interfax” the head of the profile Committee of the state Duma on labor, social policy and veterans ‘ Affairs Yaroslav Nilov.

“At the moment, overall, the feedback received from 77 regions: these documents are either from the Executive or from the legislative or from both branches of government at the same time. Negative comments the Committee received were reviews that contain specific suggestions for the implementation of changes in pension legislation”, — said Nilov on Monday.

The Committee received a consolidated feedback of more than 50% of Russian regions, Chairman of the Duma Committee.

The consolidated position of the region is considered when it is expressed by the highest Executive and legislative authorities of the RF subject.Jaroslav Nilola profile of the Duma Committee on labor, social policy and veterans Affairs

Commenting, the MP said that, as head of the Committee on labor, social policy and veterans ‘ Affairs, is “the opposite position, not supporting the bill.”

According to nil, the feedback on this initiative “still continue to come to the Committee as the deadline for their submission is July 17”.

Pension reform

The governmental draft law envisaging changes in the Russian pension system, including raising the retirement age, introduced in the state Duma on 16 June.

Implementation of the proposed measures will create conditions for improving the level of pension provision of citizens with regard to the adaptation of pension systems to new demographic conditions, including taking account of increasing life expectancy, and for the annual indexation of pensions above the rate of inflation in balance and long-term financial sustainability of the pension system of the Russian Federation as a whole, stated in the explanatory note to the bill.

