Residents of a Thai village found in the middle of a field plane without the turbines

Residents of a Thai village found in the middle of a field plane without the turbines

Nobody could understand how he appeared there overnight.

An unexpected discovery was made by two residents of the province of Chainat in Thailand when I was driving past a large field on a motorcycle.

They saw standing there “Boeing-747” despite no plane was not there.

At first the men thought that the plane made an emergency landing, but, first, the field was not suitable for this, and secondly, having approached closer, they realized that the plane was no turbines of any electronics and is completely empty.

Stunned Thai Villagers Wake Up And Find Boeing 747 In Nearby Field

— Angela Jones (@angel_jones_aj) July 10, 2018

It turned out that the plane was acquired at auction by local businessman Somchai, Pukio (he belongs to the field, where appeared the aircraft).

According to Somchai, the liner was brought to the field by truck and with the help of cranes mounted on a concrete platform so the wheels stuck in the ground.

Stunned Thai Villagers Wake Up And Find Boeing 747 In Nearby Field

— theSpontany (@thespontany) July 9, 2018

Your purchase businessman explained simply: he wanted to make a surprise for local residents. In the near future, the man plans to open the attraction with the track for motocross and football field, and the plane will serve as a podium.

Now everyone can take a picture on the background of “Boeing”. So the idea is to surprise and delight their fellow villagers from Somchai managed.

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