Experts Kudrin suggested to accelerate the growth of GDP reform of the courts

Experts Kudrin suggested to accelerate the growth of GDP reform of the courts

To the CSR offered to reduce the burden on the arbitrators and to increase the salaries of ordinary employees of the courts.

The reform of the judicial system of Russia will accelerate the country’s economic growth by 1-2 percentage points. For this purpose, first, to reduce the average number of cases per judge and to raise the salaries of ordinary employees. Second, FNS and PFR to increase the minimum size requirements for claims, and for legal entities — to raise the state fee for submission. Such proposals are contained in the report of the Center for strategic research (CSR), which acquainted “Izvestia”. These innovations can bring in addition to the Treasury tens of billions of rubles a year. Experts recognize the need for reform: it will attract more foreign investment.

The rate of growth of the Russian economy are constrained due to the imperfection of the judicial system, therefore, it is necessary to conduct reform, experts are convinced CSR.

In its report “Proposals for improving the judicial system” they act primarily by reducing the burden on judges by reducing the number of incoming claims.

— Now Russia is losing 1-2 percentage points of GDP from the imperfection of the judicial system. Proposed measures to compensate for these losses. If confidence in the judiciary increases, it will lead to additional GDP growth from the inflow of foreign investment in our country, — said one of the authors of the report, leading scientific employee of Institute of problems of enforcement at the European University in St. Petersburg, Kirill Titaev.

