First released life convict

First released life convict

Vologda regional court released from prison “snowy Owl” 63-year-old Anwar Masalimova, who was serving a life sentence, the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. This is the first case in Russia when sentenced to life imprisonment were released.

Masalimov was convicted of aggravated homicide committed in 1991. Previously, he served 15 years for another murder. The court found him especially dangerous recidivist and sentenced to death. In 1998 decree of President Boris Yeltsin, the death penalty was commuted to life imprisonment.

Masalimova managed to ensure that his case was reclassified from murder with aggravating circumstances, premeditated murder without aggravating circumstances. What he was for this reason, the newspaper points out. His sentence also ruled out the instructions for recognition of the convicted person an especially dangerous recidivist.

Being in prison, Masalimov said that he would become a monk if I can. Once free, he went to the Church of St. Dmitri of Rostov in Moscow. Masalimov came to them, but to become a novice refused and said he wants to hire lawyers to help to get from the state housing and compensation for having “overstayed”. Where he is now, is not known.

