Start decoded the mysterious Voynich manuscript

Start decoded the mysterious Voynich manuscript

Scientists from the University of Alberta in Canada have deciphered the beginning of the Voynich manuscript with the help of artificial intelligence. It is reported by CBCNews.

According to one of the researchers Kondracke Greg (Greg Kondrak), the first thing was to find out what language the manuscript is written. To do this, scientists took the Universal Declaration of human rights, translated into 380 languages, and using sophisticated statistical procedures were able to deduce the algorithm that recognizes the language of the document with an accuracy of 97 percent. Using the same algorithm for reading the Voynich manuscript, they found that it was composed in Hebrew.

The researchers found that the author of the manuscript for your cipher changes the order of the letters in each word, and the vowels are rejected.

Thus, according to the findings of a computer algorithm, the first sentence of the artifact reads: “She gave advice to the priest, the master of the house, me and my people.”

The first 72 words, according to scientists, can refer to herbal pharmacology, in this section there are such terms as “farmer”, “light”, “air” and “fire.”

Kondrak emphasizes that although artificial intelligence has done a great job without a man cannot do — a lively mind need to understand the syntax and semantic connections of words. In particular, we need experts in Hebrew, historians and cryptographers.

The Voynich manuscript is a medieval work written in the fifteenth century by unknown authors. To decipher it researchers have tried for several hundred years, however, the language of the manuscript are unknown. Artifact discovered by antique dealer Wilfried Voynich in the ancient South-European castle Villa Mondragone.

Mysterious 15th-Century ‘Alien’ Voynich Manuscript Finally Decoded Using Artificial Intelligence

— Sherry Chandy (@DrSherryChandy) 28 Jan 2018

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