Day behalf of me. People who celebrate the New year alone, about how they refused to “a family holiday”

Day behalf of me. People who celebrate the New year alone, about how they refused to “a family holiday”

The new year is a family holiday, which must be noted at a large table, with family or friends. Now more and more people met him not so, as is customary: on the beach, karaoke or no company.

We asked several people who have consciously decided to celebrate the New year alone, about why they do it.

Hope Maiborodin

28 years old, Manager of special projects and partnerships Qlean

Our family has never had a goal sure to celebrate the New year with a big company. New year’s eve with family, we often went for a walk with the dogs (we have always had a lot), walked in the snow, talked and watched the fireworks. In University I noted a couple of times [the New year] with my friends, but I had a feeling that I’m just on a weekly Friday get-together. So 20 years I created my own ritual of celebrating the New year.

Every year on 31 December at 23:30 I called a taxi, put all the beautiful, take a bottle of champagne and food to the building of the River station. At midnight go out on the empty pier, where there is a ringing silence, and open the champagne — it’s absolutely beautiful and atmospheric. Sometimes take with confetti.

I think we have very little feel here and now — because all the time thinking about the past or planning for the future. Standing alone on the dock, at the turn of the old and new year, I feel this moment. Telling myself that everything, afflicting me in the past year, I’m leaving it and entering a new phase. After that, I return to my district on Pokrovka, where at that time few people, and sometimes up to three nights walking the streets. However, 31 of December I often work, so after the New year at River station, often just called a taxi home and go to bed.

The last two years I was unable to mention one — we with my young man together rented an apartment, and I began to like spending time in the company. But in this New year, I want to go one note at River station. My young man to this decision is normal — because he loved me that are weird. He can go to our friends, parents or in the same way as I, to celebrate the New year alone. Parents have questions too does not arise — they respect the right of each of us personal space.

While every year I decorate the apartment’s Christmas tree — I like the concept of a tree in the apartment. If you were to buy a Christmas tree in the other months, I sure did. Gifts always give to those for whom this is really important. For example, the mother and grandmother. But with my boyfriend this year we decided to do each other not to give. The money that we thought to spend on this and turn to our friend, he is sick right now.

The other traditions of New year celebrations seem forced. Despite the tough words coming from a tree, and everywhere hung tinsel and garlands, many there is no “Christmas mood”. Instead, the person has a sense of guilt, saying, what is wrong with me if all the fun and not me? But why do we all one day have to want something to celebrate? No, in General I love the holidays is always an occasion to dress up and be a little kinder and more fun than usual. You need to be exactly as you like you.

Arina (name changed at the request of the heroine)

30 years, producer

One thing the New year in childhood, when you don’t have to cut the salads, and all the gifts under the tree for you. Quite another when you become an adult. My parents are always invited to feast with relatives and friends from other cities. My mom and dad a big house and the guests never went home on the first of January. Someone left before Christmas, and some of them at all until last weekend.

Three days before the holiday parents go to the supermarket and to the market and buy there a ton of food. December 31, I always woke up at 7am to do house General cleaning, and was with mom in the wings until late in the evening. We decided there’s a lot to the table Laden with food. Guests moved up to six o’clock in the evening, when everything should be ready, ate a lot and drank until the early hours. All this time my mom was running around the house, trying to arrange the perfect holiday. Guests constantly wondered why I was so sad. And I’m not sad, I’m tired! Of course, they tried to help, but it is clear in fact that guests no one will not work.

Therefore, from 31 December until the end of the holiday weekend I was like a galley slave. In the morning you need to quickly get up and cook 15 cups of coffee, prepare Breakfast, wash the dishes, feed everyone lunch and dinner, and, of course, to socialize, to entertain younger cousins and second cousins and sisters. If I wanted to go out with my friends, I was regarded as selfish.

It appeared that this is a celebration for guests and not for house owners, and after such holidays would like to relax. But time was — you had to go to work

Last year, knowing that we have the same show, I decided to stay at home. Parents could not believe until the last moment called and asked me to come, was offended. Said that they are embarrassed — after all the guests arrived and asked why I was there. But I never went there — and it was perfect. I’m not ready for the New year: doing the cleaning, my apartment was scattered with things, and I was pleased with the fact that I don’t have to remove them. At 22:00 the courier brought me a pizza, I turned on the movie “love actually” and just lay on the couch and enjoyed. At night I watched the movie and fell asleep and in the morning went for a run. All the holidays I was out, met with friends, washing dishes and floors, and it was so peaceful and beautiful.

For parents my absence on a family holiday was a big shock — they didn’t speak to me until February. This year I’ve already warned them that once again going to celebrate the New year alone. Promised that he would come to visit them on the fourth of January — by this time at least the part of guests has gone home. They have put up and you don’t mind.

