What awaits the Russians from 1 January

What awaits the Russians from 1 January

Brief overview of the main legislative changes of the coming year.

From 1 January to obtain public services will be available in either MFC or the relevant institution in the territory of the Russian Federation regardless of the place of residence. The list includes such operations as obtaining a passport, vehicle registration, issuance of driving licenses, registration of citizens and others.

For banks with General license from January 1 to set the minimum size of own funds in the amount of 1 billion rubles. For credit institutions with the basic license — 300 million rubles.

From January 1 will impose fines for violation of the law on messengers. In case of failure to identify users with administration services can collect up to 1 million rubles. in addition, if the messengers will not fulfill the requirement to limit the distribution of prohibited information, the operator can limit access to them.

From 1 January in Russia for cyber attacks on information the structure of government introduced criminal liability. The maximum punishment — till 10 years of imprisonment.

C 1 Jan by decision of the Ministry of labour in a Unified information system of personnel management of the civil service of the Russian Federation will appear the registry corrupt-civil servants. In the list will get officials and security forces, convicted of bribery. To amend the registry of unscrupulous civil servants will be their employers.

Russian insurers from 1 January will receive information about the accident with the help of satellite navigation system GLONASS , and built on the basis of systems such as ERA-GLONASS (Russian state system of emergency response in case of accidents). Now all the data about the accident will be transferred to an automated information system of insurance.

New insurance policies will appear QR-code. With it you can get information about the contract online. Also from January 1, will increase the “cooling period” from 5 to 14 days, during this time, the motorist has the right to refuse additional services imposed by the insurers.

From 1 January in Russia is allowed to issue commercial equipment not below Euro-5. Under this provision includes trucks, buses and passenger vehicles.

