In the Malaysian zoo celebrated the birthday of pandas (video)
She turned one year.
At the national zoo of Malaysia hosted a festive dinner in honor of the first day of birth to the little Panda. As expected in such cases, the baby was waiting for gifts, decorations and a cake of vegetables.
As Malaysia celebrated the first birthday of PandaDuring the download an error has occurred.News
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As the Director of a Malaysian breeding centre Panda Mat Naim Ramli, the birthday girl was born 14 January 2018 from parents Feng And Fu WA, which are rented from China for 10 years. At the new place, the couple lives in 2014. The baby, whose name has not yet chosen, became the second cub of the Chinese Panda.
Her older sister was born in 2015 and in November of last year have already returned to China. Under the lease, all baby pandas need to return home on reaching the age of two.
According to experts, the little birthday girl is not as active as her older sister, and most of all she likes to sleep.
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