The USSR and China wanted to overthrow the leader of North Korea. He survived and retaliated

The USSR and China wanted to overthrow the leader of North Korea. He survived and retaliated

To Kill Kim Il Sung.


North Korea is the ruin of Mordor and shootings of anti-aircraft sobakami and a southern Paradise with “Samsung”, K-pop and democracy. Approximately so according to most modern people, taught by a long tradition of anti-North Korean propaganda. Meanwhile, the real history is much more complex and interesting. Especially for “” well-known Russian coreect Konstantin Asmolov wrote a series of articles about the history of the Korean Peninsula and two States on it. Last time we talked about the fall of the regime of South Korean dictator Syngman Rhee, and before that — about the mysterious of Pak Hong-Jeno, which could draw the Soviet Union into world war III. This time we will focus on how Moscow and Beijing wanted to overthrow Kim Il sung and lost, and how would look like North Korea in the event of the defeat of the “Great leader” and “Sun of the nation”.

With the elimination of the “internal group” of the problem Kim is not over. The next round of factional fighting is bound by the consequences of the twentieth party Congress and is regarded by most historians as the most serious attempt to remove Kim Il-sung with his post. The event was initiated by the “Chinese” faction with the support of “Soviet”.

About the background of these events there are several theories, partly connected with the political bias of the authors. Representatives of the Republic of Korea are trying to find in the actions of the conspirators noble motives, believing that they wanted to facilitate the life of the people, speaking against the “Stalinist Kim Il sung”. Critical of historians believe that we are dealing with the classic struggle of factions, when certain slogans were merely a pretext to the gnawing power could show itself to the world as fighters for a particular idea.

So, after the elimination of internal group Pak hon Yong and the company remained in power “partisans” (Kim Il sung and his associates + defectors from other groups), the so-called enhance (Chinese faction), which fought the Japanese while Mao and the Soviet Koreans, in fact, the “invited experts”.

The strongest opposition was between “partisans” and the Soviet Koreans, who belonged to the “partisans” as people are uneducated and have no expertise in economic and administrative management. Moreover, in contrast to local natives or immigrants from China, the Soviet Koreans grew up in the USSR, in Korea, never been there and considered themselves to be Soviet citizens of Korean nationality. This had several consequences.

First, the Soviet Koreans, who worked in the party and government organs of the DPRK, passed information on the situation in North Korea to the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang, even if the events in which they participated, were of a private or confidential nature. Naturally, the DPRK leadership took it as a kind of whistleblowing.

Second, they lived pretty isolated, has suffered a certain swagger, had little contact with the rest and didn’t want to send their children to Korean schools. For this reason there is a quote from Kim Il-sung, where he “reminds” the Koreans, who arrived to Korea from other countries, regardless of their past achievements, they are all now members of the workers ‘ party of Korea; and if they behave badly, and think of themselves as special, they have no place in the ranks of the party, whether they are from China, the Soviet Union, or “right straight from the sky.”

Third, many Soviet Koreans differed frankness and freedom and were not afraid to openly say that the term “great leader” it is time to withdraw from use. As for the Pro-Chinese groups, then it previously did not hesitate to intrigue against Kim, whose reputation suffered as a result of the Korean war, while the “partisans” accused the Chinese in the failure of attempts to expel the UN forces from the Peninsula in early 1951.

Note that factional struggle is not passed on the script, “Kim crushes all, no ones to blame”. Kim Il-sung’s division into fractions caused much hostility. First, because in a “small guerrilla group”, the example of which was built by the North Korean state, the struggle for power leads to death of the entire community. Second, because Kim at least twice was on the verge of serious repression.

Up to a certain time of the Soviet Koreans used a favorite technique of traditional intrigue: “to complain to the Pope”, and to do it often enough and methodically, while the drop will not undermine the stone. The Soviet Embassy was a constant stream of “signals” that Kim covers pests that destroy honest Communists, and that it is surrounded by many dubious characters. As a consequence, the country’s hunger and discontent, and the authorities are unable or unwilling to do anything.

