“Demand increased”: how pigs ruin Russian family
Why do people go crazy from the mini-pigou.
Dwarf pigs have long conquered the hearts of many Russians settled in their small apartments. However, life with a mini pig is not so bright, what seems at first glance. It can easily turn into hell. To determine whether your pig will stay a dwarf, unreal animal may suddenly gain 100 pounds and literally evict you from the house. “Газета.Ru” explains why, despite this, people still went crazy with the mini-pigou.
For more than 10 years in Russian families, along with dogs and cats, began to appear mini-piggies — or rather dwarf domestic pigs. In anticipation of the year of the Yellow Earthen Pigs in Russia has increased demand for these animals.
According to the information of the public organization “Club of fans piggy”, the price of the breeders increased from 25 to 45 thousand rubles.
“The demand increased, and this is due, of course, with the advent of the year of the Pig. But we give piggy any good. Fashion piggy — especially now, before the year of the Pig — led to the fact that often they are presented, bought in the hope to piggy adult-sized Cup, and then refuse”, — said the Agency “Moscow” in the club.
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Ensure that the mini pig will remain a dwarf, does not exist. After a couple of years, the animal may increase several times and make great inconvenience in everyday life.
“The demand for mini-pigou just rolls over, all want to earn: make a show, to buy pigs for a photo session, purchase a gift, but they forget to learn the detailed information about them. For example, that a mini pig can grow and accumulate 100 kg, and he will still be a mini-pig. After the New year is just awful, as they begin to throw, sell, give away for free, in our group already have abandoned,” — said one of the organization “Club of fans of pigs”.
New year’s eve on the Internet services every day there is dozens of ads for the surrender mini-pigou to rent for photo shoots, corporate events and children’s activities. Ads were published throughout Russia such as Krasnodar, Voronezh, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk. Just a few hours they were getting thousands of views.
“A mini pigou to rent. Cute pig will delight your children and impress adults. Working new year’s eve and all holidays. The cost of 7000 rubles for 2 hours delivery and the employee,” reads one of the ads that are published to the Muscovites. “The most impressive and original Santa Claus teacup pig Napoleon, along with his charming girlfriend — mini-pig Josephine congratulate you with New year! Interactive show with jokes, humor and fun,” according to one of the Moscow Declaration.
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A resident of St. Petersburg says that his mini-Piga a real talent for posing. He also notes that the animal “is happy to eat treats from the palm”, and even smiling at the camera.
“Photo zone at the event was 9000 rubles an hour. Cool corporate greetings and Christmas is a good tone for successful companies. And if it involved such a charming symbol of the year, like me, enthusiastic applause and millions of YouTube views, guaranteed!”, — it is noted in the ad.