Santa Claus swam with sharks and decorated underwater Christmas tree (video)
The sharks liked the outfit of the guest.
The Tropicarium in Budapest prepared a holiday surprise for his seven sharks.
Divers dressed as Santa Claus, went to the aquarium with a volume of 1.4 million litres, which is inhabited by Cougars to set a festive Christmas tree and feed the sharks fish.
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Green decorated with beautiful sea shells. The events were watched by numerous visitors to the aquarium.
Biologist and diver David Durbak said that sharks like unexpected guests, because they love bright colors. Predator showed interest in the clothes of Santa, but not attack tried.
Tropicarium is the largest aquarium in Central Europe. Here are the Hungarian fish species, as well as the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.
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See also:
- Scientists have discovered a Salamander with a “tree” on the head
- A marine biologist captured on camera glowing underwater creatures
- The photographer showed how dolphins are “fooling” the fish