How would look the characters of famous paintings at a music festival (photos)

How would look the characters of famous paintings at a music festival (photos)

Hungarian photographer has placed the heroes of classical paintings in modern realities.


Photographer Martone. Nemani recently visited one of the largest music festivals in Europe — Sziget in Hungary. Making a lot of great reportage shots from the event, Martone. imagine that in modern realities fit well the characters of famous paintings.

With the help of imagination and photoshop he moved the Mona Lisa, Adam and the other heroes of classical paintings on the site of the music festival. And it looks very harmoniously.

The publication of Marton Nemenyi (@mook1d) Aug 17, 2018 at 4:31 PDT

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Francesco Hayez: A csók (1859) + Colosseum mellett, 20:10

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Eugène Delacroix: A szabadság vezeti a népet (1830) + Nagyszínpad, 17:10

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Peter Paul Rubens: Perszeusz kiszabadítja Andromédát (1638) + Magic Mirror mellett, 19:20

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Julio Romero de Torres: Jövendőmondás (1922) + Nagyszínpad előtti rét, 18:40

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Michelangelo: Ádám teremtése (részlet a Sixtus-kápolna menyezetéről, 1505-12) + a Világzenei Nagyszínpad mögött, 17:30

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Fausto Zonaro: Fiatal lány tökkel (1889) + Nagyszínpad előtt, 19:10

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres: grófnője’haussonville (1845) + Magic Mirror sátor, 01:20

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Grant Wood: Amerikai gótika (1930) + Nagyszínpad, 22:10

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

Edgar Degas: Táncosok (1884-85) + Colosseum, 19:30

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

John Riley: Bridget Holmes (1685) + Nagyszínpad, 23:20

Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.

