More than a third of Russians approved of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968

More than a third of Russians approved of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968

According to the survey, “Levada center,” nearly a third (32%) of Russians know about the events of the Prague spring — 11% “well know” what happened in Czechoslovakia, 21% “have heard and read about it.” 46% of respondents said that they know nothing about the events of that time.


More than a third of respondents (36%) believe that the introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia on the night of 21 August 1968 was the right decision. 19% of respondents believe that the Soviet Union did wrong. 45% of respondents were undecided.

16% of survey respondents believe that the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia was necessary to prevent bloodshed. 15% of respondents said that otherwise, in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR) came to the troops of Western countries.

NewsTanks to Prague. In the Czech Republic remember the Soviet invasion

9% sure that the Soviet invasion was necessary to preserve the socialist system in Czechoslovakia. 6% said that the decision of the USSR “criminal aggression against a neighboring country, interference in its internal Affairs.” 4% believe that the events of that time “showed that the Soviet-type socialism is incompatible with democracy”.

23% of respondents said that the Prague spring was “an attempt at anti-Soviet and revisionist forces in the leadership of Czechoslovakia to make revolution and to tear the country from the socialist camp”. 21% said the events “subversive action in Western countries and an attempt to split the socialist countries”. 18% believe that the scene was “a popular uprising against the regime imposed by the Soviet Union.” 10% said it was “an attempt at democratic renewal of socialism.” 5% called the events of August, 1968, “spontaneous performances irresponsible and disoriented masses against the Communist government of Czechoslovakia.”

