The Ministry of Finance has developed a draft law on environmental tax
The Ministry of Finance has prepared a bill on the introduction of environmental tax, which should replace the payments for the emission of pollutants to the environment. The document published on the portal of projects of normative legal acts. In the case of an amendment will take effect from 1 January 2020.
The bill proposes to Supplement the Tax code head of the “Environmental tax”. In the explanatory note to the document States that the analysis of the dynamics of payments for negative impact on the environment in the budget shows the low efficiency of its collection. Because of this, state environmental programs have to be financed “at the expense other income Federal and regional budgets”.
It is also noted that the non-environmental non-tax payments is not subject to the Criminal code, and “in the framework of the current legislation of taxpayers lack proper motivation” for making such payments. The introduction of environmental tax, calculate the authors of the bill, will allow to increase receipts in the budget due to the use of tax, administrative and criminal liability.