The Israeli air force attacked 12 targets Palestinians in the Gaza strip

The Israeli air force attacked 12 targets Palestinians in the Gaza strip

TEL AVIV, August 8 — RIA Novosti. Israeli aircraft attacked 12 targets militants in the Gaza strip in response to rocket fire, which continues from the Palestinian enclave, the army said the press service.

Among the destroyed military purposes is called a “logistics centre”, workshops where rockets were produced, and the cement plant, maintenance and construction of underground tunnels militants.

“The strikes were conducted in response to the shooting of civil construction equipment (on the border) and multiple missile launches from the Gaza strip at Israeli territory,” — said in a press release.

According to military estimates, the Palestinians fired at least 36 missiles, four of which were intercepted by the system “Iron dome.” Several rockets fell in the city of Sderot, injuring two Israelis.

