Media: Attack on journalists in the Central African Republic were looking for something other than money

Media: Attack on journalists in the Central African Republic were looking for something other than money

The killing of the Russians could be planned in advance, says a source Corbeau News.

The murder of Russian journalist Orhan Jemal, Cyril Radchenko and Alexander Rastorguev in the Central African Republic “is unlike crimes, which make fighters, probably because the killer was looking for something else but money,” writes local portal Corbeau News. The publication suggests that the crime planned, and the main purpose was one of the Russians, “big and muscular”.

“[One of the attackers] wanted to search his pockets, but the journalist refused and resisted. As a result, he was the first killed in front of his fellow journalists,” the site says, but without naming the source of this information.

Earlier, the driver who fled the scene of the attack on three Russian journalists in the Central African Republic, said that the attackers spoke a language which was similar to the French and the local language Sango, but the Russians knew what they were saying.

Chief editor of the “control Center investigations” Andrew konyahin commented on the publication portal. In a conversation with RBC he noted that experienced by the war correspondent Orhan Dzhemal “spoke some Arabic and English.” Director Alexander Rastorguev did not know any foreign language, and the operator Kirill Radchenko had quite a good command of English.

What language said the attackers remains uncertain. It is also unclear whether they belonged to one of the local groups (previously it was suggested that journalists were attacked by members of the armed group Seleka, which conflicts with the militia “Antibalas”). Media reported that the attackers were turbans. So allegedly said the surviving driver.

Initially it was assumed that journalists were attacked with the purpose to Rob them. The Russians were an expensive electronics and about 8.5 thousand dollars in cash. However, the source Corbeau News says: the killing of journalists was “planned and deliberate”.

Orkhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko was killed on the evening of July 31. According to the preliminary version, the Russians were victims of a robbery. About this earlier said the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic, referring to the gendarmerie.

The car, which drove the Russians stopped at 23 kilometers from the town of sibut by armed men. They began to take away from the journalists ‘ belongings, and then opened fire. What provoked the aggression by the robbers is unknown. This version was presented to the Central African law enforcement officers of the surviving driver. According to the local newspaper Palmares Centrafrique, journalists made a serious mistake, not hiring security guards. The sources reported that the Russians were first kidnapped, interrogated and then killed.

The initial examination of the bodies in the Central African Republic Russian citizens Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko, doctors found no traces of torture on their bodies were seen only gunshot wounds. This was stated by the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

