The British found at the bottom of the sea working phone
And returned it to the owner.
36-year-old Caris Hersey was scuba diving near the limestone cliffs of Deral-Dor near West Lulworth in Dorset, England. Being under water, Caris noticed a flash of light at the bottom and hurried to find out what it is.
Scuba diver found tourist”s lost iPhone at the bottom of the sea… when it lit up
— The Sun (@TheSun) July 12, 2018
During the download an error has occurred.News
Schoolboy found the owner drowned more than two years ago camera
It turned out that the light came from the phone, which at this point came the message. Fortunately, the recessed device was in a protective waterproof case and almost 80% battery charge, and therefore functioned perfectly, even in this strange place.
Get the phone on the surface, Caris studied the contacts and got in touch with Rob Smith. As it turned out, the gadget belonged to his cousin Chris Emoto who lives in Canada. Being away from my brother, he rode on the kayak, and accidentally dropped the phone in water. A few days later Chris, no hope to return the gadget flew home. So Rob took the find, which will send the device by mail to Canada.