The EU has postponed the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

The EU has postponed the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

The European Union has postponed the extension of sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian citizens, according to “RIA Novosti” with reference to the informed source.

According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the decision was postponed because of the national procedures necessary internal approval of the issue of sanctions one of the countries-EU members. The spokesman added that a new date consideration yet.

We will remind, on 21 February the Committee of permanent representatives of EU countries to the EU (Coreper) agreed on the extension of sanctions against citizens and companies of Russia and Ukraine for another six months. Today’s decision should be supported at the meeting of the foreign Ministers of the 27 EU countries. In the list of persons under sanctions are the Russian public and political figures, persons suspected of involvement in the fighting in the South-East of Ukraine, and also members of the leadership of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk national republics.

