Like the meme about the hype. What is the future for Russian language

Like the meme about the hype. What is the future for Russian language

MOSCOW, Feb 26 — RIA Novosti, Igor Karmazin. “Job offer”, “HR Department”, “hypervisor” — words that hardly anyone understands in the province, Moscow has firmly entered the lexicon. One gets the feeling that the sanctions were imposed not only against Russia but against the Russian language. And by native speakers. Experts say that the main trend in the near future will be simplification of the question. RIA Novosti found out how to change our language.

“Like” our

Modern condition of Russian language causes concern for many writers, teachers, politicians, scientists and journalists. Not news that the language in the course of its development borrow words from other languages. In the modern world, English-speaking countries Excel in the sphere of high technologies, new media. It is clear that vocabulary is expanding here just at the expense of anglicisms. However, the Russian is now a lot of terms which have been replaced. Why would the Russians “image” if there is a “image” what “longed” if you can say “article”? Than fashion in film “remake” better than the usual “rework”? Unless “consensus” is stronger than “consent”?

Experts, however, believe that there is nothing new with the Russian language does not occur. We’ve experienced more than one wave of borrowing. In the nineteenth century was the expansion of the French language to Dutch and German, and before the Polish and Turkic languages. And until 1917, the situation was much worse — the whole class expressed himself, were in correspondence exclusively in a foreign language.

“The peak of the invasion of foreign words came in the 1990-ies. Now, the mass character all the same it is not. There is a piece things — all sorts of “HYIPs”, “job offers” and so on. But it is not contagious, not so interesting people. Seemed: it is necessary to say something in English and you immediately become trendy, modern free. Now the word is just a word. The Russian language here at hand the socio-political situation. Some isolation of the country leads to the fact that foreign words are gradually superseded. Even “okay” or “wow” less used,” says the linguist, Professor of Moscow state University Vladimir Elistratov.

Chief editor of “XXI century Dictionaries” Alexey Mikheev notes that foreign words quickly rusifitsiruetsya:

First, some “like” was perceived as something alien. Then it added the suffixes, endings, and, for example, the verb “to like” similar is not on foreign, and on our.

“Hello” was in the past

In General, the main trend in most of the world’s languages — simplification. In the ancient speech verbs had four type elapsed time, six types of declension of the noun has three numbers — singular, dual and plural. Now the verbs have one past tense, two numbers, three types of declension of nouns. This happens in all languages. Easier the grammar of modern English old English modern Greek — ancient Greek. The reason, apparently, is that nowadays people have a higher level of abstraction.

Language fewer forms capable of expressing more concepts.

Vladimir Elistratov indicates that in many areas the letters are replaced with symbols, is the transition to the pictography, picture writing. “It’s a variety of emoticons, abbreviations, airports, instead of the sign “dining room” hang the picture of forks and spoons. Intercultural communication is carried out using icons. To write a word for a long time, and to draw a symbol is easy. Of course, it is more primitive. Time for the people there, a lot of laziness”, — says the expert.

Another noticeable trend is nesconset those titles that were previously bent. This is most evident in the names of their own. Now what used to be the literary norm, such as “Strogino”, “Ostankino”, jarring. Under the influence of the English language, unintended design. For example, “yogurt raspberry-strawberry”. Previously, we would say: “raspberry-strawberry yogurt”.

Is in language and its own fashion. Five to seven years ago was a popular game in the “Albany” Internet language. To attract attention to the usual words added to voiced consonants. So there was a “Hello”, “luser”, “krevedko” and others. These designs are now forgotten, today’s students about them and don’t know. But often you can hear about something “cute” and “minimise”.

“Some prison slang come into use — “taskbar”, “herd”. But I would say still about individual borrowing and not about the dominance of this type of language. The main barrage came in the 90-ies, when society was heavily criminalized. From there, “chaos”, “showdown”, “float”, “protection”. Now these words are no surprise, they were accepted”, — stressed the Mikheev.

