In the state Duma introduced a draft on the law of the children from 14 years old to live separately from the guardian

In the state Duma introduced a draft on the law of the children from 14 years old to live separately from the guardian

MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Deputies from “United Russia” Olga batalina, Olga Okuneva and Nadezhda Kolesnikova in the Duma introduced a bill which proposes to allow a minor to live separately from their guardians since the age of 14, the press service of the faction.

According to Batalina, more and more orphaned children after school go to colleges or schools, often located far away from the place of residence of the child and his guardian. In this case, said batalina, teenagers have to live in the Dorm.

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“But there is a problem, as the Civil code provides the rule that under 16 years tutored the child must be living with the guardian. The majority of graduates of ninth class of 16-year-old has not yet reached. Moving the family can not let go of the teen one too. You have to choose a school based on territorial accessibility and not the interests and abilities of the child” — are words in the message Batalina.

According to the MP, the bill proposes a solution to this problem and reduction of age threshold. As the Deputy noted, the control over a teenager is and guardians, and leadership of the educational institution in which he is entered as it is provided now concerning 16-year-old orphan students living in the dorms. The current legislation is provided, the MP stressed.

Earlier, first Deputy Chairman of the faction EP Andrey Isayev, said that the coordinating Council on legislation of the faction “United Russia” supported the bill to lower the age at which a child can live separately from his guardian, till 14 years.

