The dolphins made more than 50 small relatives thrown ashore in Mexico

The dolphins made more than 50 small relatives thrown ashore in Mexico

Dozens of dolphins were found on the coast in Baja California sur in Mexico. Of the 54 individuals managed to save only 33, the others were killed, according to CTV News.

Employees of the Federal Agency for environmental protection said that all animals members of the species common Dolphin (or common Dolphin). According to experts, forcing them to jump out on the beach could attack larger bottlenose dolphins. The bodies of the dead and injured mammals found traces of their bites.

Atiende @PROFEPA_Mx varamientos de #delfines en La Paz, Baja California Sur

— PROFEPA (@PROFEPA_Mx) 14 Feb 2018

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Experts will conduct an autopsy to determine the exact cause of the incident.

Common Dolphin usually reaches a length of no more than two meters, whereas bottlenose dolphins in some cases can grow up to 4.5 meters.

