The American turned his house into a shelter for 300 cats

The American turned his house into a shelter for 300 cats

A resident of new York, 58-year-old Chris Arsenault turned his house into a shelter for 300 homeless cats, leaving only a little space.

A man has turned his home into a sanctuary for 300 cats

— Yahoo UK News (@YahooNewsUK) February 5, 2018

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Arsenault has devoted her life to cats in 2006 after he found a “colony” of 30 sick kittens near the railroad tracks. This happened a few months after the death of her son Arsenault in the accident. In subsequent years, a former railroad employee got in touch with local charities and animal shelters and began to take more and more cats until their number increased to 300.

This man shares his home with 300 stray cats

— Yahoo UK News (@YahooNewsUK) February 5, 2018

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“Most of these cats were abused or were abandoned, so it was really important to give them a home and a place where they feel safe,” said Chris Arsenault, writes Daily Mail.

For the past 12 years, he spends his days filling the bowl of water, cleaning floors and feeding your mustachioed guests fried chicken. Home “Happy cat” is funded Arsenault and private donations. A year at the shelter house takes about $101 000, including $80 000 for food for animals and $21 000 for veterinarians.

Man transforms his home into a sanctuary for 300 cats via /r/UpliftingNews

— Emanon (@RadioMy) February 6, 2018

During the download an error has occurred.I don’t consider myself unhappy, I now have 300 cats. I truly believe that if you are passionate about something, you can handle anything. I really like what I do. Chris Arsenault

He noted that all designs for cats in your home made with their own hands and focused on health and safety. Turning his house and garden in a refuge for homeless cats, Arsenault left myself very little space — a bathroom and small kitchen.

Man transforms his house into sanctuary for 300 #Cats

— Pets Newz (@Pets_Newz) February 5, 2018

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