Running from the Eastern Russian satellites went into orbit

Running from the Eastern Russian satellites went into orbit

The Vostochny COSMODROME (Amur region), 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Two Russian satellite remote sensing of the Earth “Canopus-b” displayed on the calculated orbit after the third launch from the cosmodrome “East”, told reporters on Thursday, “Roskosmos”.

The “Eastern” upper stage “Frigate” was carrying 11 satellites: two Russian and nine foreign.

“Both of the satellite “Canopus-b” № 3 and № 4 are displayed on the calculated orbit. The foreign branch of the first satellite is planned in 7.33 MSK,” — said the Corporation.

The third launch from the East was planned on 22 December 2017. However, after the unsuccessful second launch was lost to the Russian meteorological satellite “meteor-M” and small spacecraft 18, the third start with the new Russian cosmodrome was postponed to an indefinite date.

Spacecraft “Canopus-b” is designed for monitoring of technogenic and natural emergency situations, including hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena, ice conditions, large emissions of pollutants in nature (for example, in the extraction of coal by opencast methods), monitoring of agricultural activities, natural (including aquatic and riparian) resources and land use.

