The President of Latvia adopted the law on the status of veterans of the Second world
The President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis signed the law on the status of the participant of the Second world war.
The document was published in the official newspaper Latvijas vestnesis and in force.
Its norms equalize the position of former soldiers of the red Army, and Latvians who fought on the side of the Third Reich.
The new rules apply to citizens of Latvia who have received citizenship before 17 June 1940. Equivalent status permanent residents to legally enter its territory before the specified date.
The status of the participant of the war in any case deprived the members of the NSDAP and its paramilitary structures, the Gestapo officers or other security services of the Reich. This status is also not attributable to employees of KGB of the USSR or the KGB of the Latvian SSR, in addition to the regular financiers and business executives.
Participants in the Second world are not recognized, persons convicted of crimes against humanity.
The law stipulates that Latvia as an occupied state, “bears no legal liability for the acts of the occupying power.”
To owners of veteran status will be awarded a certificate and badge. The provision of veterans ‘ benefits rests with the local government, which may allocate allowances on the basis of their budgets, according to “RIA Novosti”.
Wrote the Federation Council urged the parliaments of the countries of the European Union to strongly condemn the law. In accordance with its provisions, the Soviet veterans left to live in the country after the war, deprived of any social support.
On 20 December the UN General Assembly supported the resolution, submitted by Russia, on combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other discriminatory practices.