The mother asked the son-dentist $1 million for his education and study
As decided, the Supreme court of Taiwan, the son will have to pay her mother nearly $ 1 million that she raised him and paid for his education to become a dentist.
After a few years he refused to do so, the woman sued his son to court.
The son, in turn, told the court that from the moral point of view it is wrong to demand financial compensation from the child for his upbringing, but the court ruled that the contract is legally binding, and sentenced the son to pay his mother owed retroactively, with interest.
The law on care
The woman held on business under the name “Lo”, after divorcing her husband raised two sons.
In court she stated that she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on tuition their sons in dental school, but at some point, worried that they will not want to take care of her in old age.
She signed a contract with both of them specifying that they will pay her part of his earnings as compensation for money spent by it on their studies, which in total amounted to 1 700 000 dollars.