The EU and the OSCE refused to send observers to Crimea on presidential election

The EU and the OSCE refused to send observers to Crimea on presidential election

Office for democratic institutions and human rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE will not send to the Crimea, their representatives for elections of the President of Russia in 2018. A delegation of observers across the Peninsula and will send a monitoring mission of the European Union.


Over the course of the presidential elections in Russia will observe 500 specialists of the OSCE. However, in the Crimea the representatives of this organization will not go.

“The ODIHR’s mandate for election observation is based on the consensus of the 57 member States of the organization. In the case of Crimea, there is no consensus. Therefore, the ODIHR may not be monitored in this region”, — quotes the press-Secretary of the organization Thomas Riemer, the newspaper “Izvestia”.

The same position was confirmed in the EU. According to the MEP Tomasz Stachowski, final lists of election observers in Russia have not yet formed, but they “definitely” will not be sent to the Crimea.

Despite the decision of the Brussels and OSCE / ODIHR, with the will of the Crimean people on March 18 will see dozens of international experts, including members of national parliaments of member countries of the EU. According to the interlocutor “News” in diplomatic circles, a group of international experts will include, in particular, parliamentarians from Austria, Italy, France, Czech Republic and Cyprus.

