Died a linguist Andrey Zaliznyak
An outstanding Russian linguist Andrei Anatolyevich Zaliznyak died today at 83-m to year of life.
About this in his account in Facebook said the employee of the Russian language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (irya RAS) Dmitry Sichinava.
Published by Irina Surat on 24 December 2017At boot time the error occurred.
Andrey Zaliznyak was a academician in the Department of literature and language. He became famous for his studies of birch-bark manuscripts and ancient language. Zaliznyak was considered a pioneer specific in the old Novgorod dialect of old Russian. His research experience has been generalized in the monograph “old Novgorod dialect”.
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Every autumn he read a public lecture at MSU on new charters opened in the current archaeological season. For the many years of efforts to promote Ancient Russia in 2017 Andrey Zaliznyak was awarded the prize “For devotion to science” of the Ministry of education and science of Russia.