Relation of the Kremlin to the Telegram.

The Kremlin analyzes the information appearing in the Telegram, but his channel in this messenger is not. About this channel “Russia 24” told the press Secretary of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov. Video available on the YouTube channel “Russia 24” (19:15).

“We do not store Telegram-channels, we read them. We are trying to analyze, and, of course, we have the analysis report to the President: that is, we make separate digests on Telegram-channels”, — said Peskov.

“This is a new phenomenon. We debate that this is a progressive development in terms of the media or is it a regressive development”, — said the press Secretary of the President. According to him, in the Telegram-channels is “loss of quality but increasing speed.”

Peskov indicated that he prefers a more thoughtful, proven, analytical and solid information. “In this regard, with many products of Telegram TV channels-channels can’t compete”, he said. Also Peskov said that print media has lost its role as a primary source, and they predicted the fate of the “analyzer yesterday’s news”.

“Internet begins to dominate resources such as Telegram-channels, find their expression in other media, but it’s all to do with speed at the expense of quality, so this should be treated very dosed”, — said Peskov.

Press Secretary of the head of state also said that President Putin never had any problems with communicating their point of view to a mass audience. “More comprehensive, more detailed, more professional the first source of information than Putin, our country is almost impossible to find,” said Sands.

More important news Telegram-channel “Tape days”. Signed!

