The Ferial celebration

The Ferial celebration

“Levada-the centre” has found out the attitude of Russians to the Constitution Day
Most Russians remember that December 12, the country celebrates Constitution Day. But the proportion of regularly remembering is reduced, found in their annual survey of “Levada-center”. Experts believe this is natural, since the Basic law “loses touch with the real life of Russians”.

Almost a third of respondents — 32% — I do not remember that on 12 December, the Day of the Constitution (adopted in 1993). They are unable to answer the relevant question of “Levada-center”. But the majority of the respondents know about this date, although their share is steadily declining. In 2010, knowing it was 75%, in 2013 — 74% (although the 20th anniversary of the Basic law were widely celebrated), in 2017, the correct answer was given only 66% of the respondents.

It is connected not only with the fact that in 2004, the date of the adoption of the Yeltsin Constitution was a work day, explained to “Kommersant” Director of the “Levada-center” Lev Gudkov. First it was weekends, like in Soviet times: “Before the Brezhnev period in the middle and gave a salute”. Now the date is forgotten because in the public perception reduced the importance of this fundamental document, like law in General, said the sociologist. And decreases, since “people in everyday life, when faced with violations of their rights, I see that the officials put themselves above the law.”

At the same time, the majority of citizens believe that the government in some way uphold the Constitution. 27% believe that the government comply with its ‘mostly’, 40% — “only partly”. It is the most stable for decades, but its opinion “should not be taken into account”, says Mr Gudkov as “partial adherence to the Constitution is meaningless” from a legal point of view. “An important share of those who believe that the Constitution was fully respected. Only they confirm that the legal system in the country works,” he said. Such citizens now 5% (in 2014, 9% up to 2017 does not become smaller).

