Experts told about a rate below 25 thousand. half of the doctors

Experts told about a rate below 25 thousand. half of the doctors

Almost 60% of doctors one rate is less than 25 thousand rubles, follows from the survey of physicians Foundation, “Health” and onf. Even the 10.8% gain from 25 thousand to 30 thousand rbl. From-for low salaries most doctors take the additional load.

Medical low

Russian popular front (onf) and the Fund for monitoring of medical services “Health” has conducted a survey of 7.3 thousand doctors in 85 regions of Russia. The doctors chose the range in which fit their earnings on a single bet up to 15 thousand rubles, from 15 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. and so on. To get that kind of money, the physician needed to work approximately 39 hours per week — that is how much is the maximum rate of the doctor under the Labor code.

Of the 59.4% of physicians who receive less than 25 thousand rubles., 21.4% of respondents admitted that their level of income per capita rate is less than 15 thousand rubles. More of 21.7% is obtained from 15 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, and the remaining 16.3 per cent — from 20 thousand to 25 thousand

From 25 thousand to 30 thousand rbl. will receive 10.8% of the doctors. From 30 thousand to 35 thousand of 8.5%. Another 12.9 percent of physicians receive from 35 to 50 thousand and only 8.4% receive more than 50 thousand.

“Health” and onf conducted a survey with the help of mobile applications “physician’s Reference”, which was more than 300 thousand workers. In addition to information about the salary doctors reported increased their income in 2017 how much bets they work and if they delay payments.

“Go cobblers”

According to Rosstat, in January—September, 2017, the average salary of Russian doctors were on the level of 53.1 thousand rubles, which is 157% of the average for the region.

