“Missing Lama. Likes to walk on the beach and the sounds of svirelka”: instagram collect ads about finding Pets
A few months ago on instagram account appeared Still Missing — in this funny collect announcements about missing Pets.
Photos sent in by subscribers; who is leading the account, is unknown. Judging by the Still Missing lost not only cats and dogs, but snakes, turtles and even a Lama. Basically in the account appear pictures funny ads, printed on a home printer or hand-written. However, some owners looking for their Pets very unusual ways — for example, draw graffiti.
During the download an error has occurred.”Lost cat, brown”
During the download an error has occurred.”Lost, Clear, gray and white Shorthair girl, 6-7 years, on the nose, clear the gray spot. I really miss her and want her back home”
During the download an error has occurred.”Missing Lama. Sauerkraut, a two-year 180-centimeter Lama, who loves long walks on the beach and the sounds of svirelka”
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.”Lost”
During the download an error has occurred.”Found young black cat with a white chest. A bit like the breed of the Oriental. Very graceful and slender. Affectionate. Not wild””Found a young black cat with a white chest. A bit like the breed of the Oriental. Very graceful and slender. Affectionate. Not wild””Reward. Lost dog. Molly”
During the download an error has occurred.”Have you seen him? Now seen”