Ksenia Sobchak has hurt the feelings of the Chelyabinsk Communists

Ksenia Sobchak has hurt the feelings of the Chelyabinsk Communists

The agitation tent of the presenter you want to move away from the monument to Lenin.

Members of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Communist party demanded to clean tent campaign in support of the nomination of Xenia Sobchak for President of Russia away from the monument to Vladimir Lenin on the Scarlet field.

Place a tent of Ms. Sobchak in “the Holy place of the Communists” the Communists considered it “offensive act” in connection with the statement presenter of the need to bury the body of the leader of the proletariat.

Staff have reduced the residence time of the tent on the Scarlet field, but supporters of Ms. Sobchak explain it’s not “the feelings of the Communists,” and the low permeability of this place.

Appeal to the head of Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev published regional Committee of the Communist party. The Communists, it says, “hard to believe” that the city administration agreed to the installation of campaign tents of Ksenia Sobchak at the monument to Vladimir Lenin on the Scarlet field.

How it could be done, knowing who is K. Sobchak and what will be the reaction of thousands of Communists and our supporters about this? The fact of the installation of the tent on the sacred for us, the Communists, and thousands of citizens, a place we regard as a cynical and offensive act.

The authors emphasize that “provocative statements” Ksenia Sobchak about the necessity of the removal and burial of Lenin’s body from the Mausoleum is a “mockery of the feelings of the Communists.”

Evgeny Teftelev, to allow supporters of the presenter to establish a “tent reminiscent of a circus tent”, the Communists were accused of failure to coordinate the event dedicated to the anniversary of the October revolution on the main square of the city.

